In honor of Forget Me Not Day, we present the MTV alter ego of Quinn Morgendorffer at right, posing as . . . let's see if you can guess. I'm pretty sure I know who she's supposed to be. (Old people will have an advantage here.) If anyone can match my guess at who Quinn is supposed to be, U w1N teh Internets!!! Bonus points if you provide a picture link proving you correct.
Today is also the birthday of the United States Marine Corps. Perhaps we should each buy a greeting card for someone in the USMC or something. It's a nice gesture.
- Camp Pu, by Smileyfax (Part 1): Young Daria is having a miserable time at Camp Grizzly, until one morning when everything gets much, much worse.
- Apocalyptic Daria: Scarlett's Tale, by Doggieboy (Part 2): Lawndale’s air raid siren blared into life. It was an old relic from the Cold war, but it apparently still worked, it’s lonely wail a redundant, yet terrifying, signal of danger.
- Bet, by Legendeld (Part 3): Quinn had to physically drag Daria out of the house. “C’mon, you’re a big girl. I think you can handle some shopping.”
- Fundamental Daria: God Willing, by Disco316 (COMPLETE!): I love you, Trent. Thanks for being there for me all these years. God Willing, I’ll tell you that in person tonight.
- Fundamental Daria: I Made My Excuses and Left, by Disco316 (COMPLETE!): Daria gets one too many shocks to handle. The reader gets some big shocks, too.
- Invading, by Lorenzo Sauchelli (Part 2): "What's the state of Quinn Morgendorffer and her friends, Dr. Storm?" "They are not mutants. They're unlike anything we've ever seen, actually."
- John Lane 37: Chrysalis, by Richard Lobinske (Part 4): "Way to go, dude! If you can get into the pants of an icebox like Daria, you rock." This guy, by rights, should be dead now.
- Order and Chaos, by Legendeld (Part 8): “So this Sith Master is showing far more interest in your Padawan than is normal. Is the lightsaber functional?”
- Project: FEISTI, by SoCalledGoodeGuy (Part 3): The suit’s left hand formed what looked like the ‘Spider-Man’ gesture, middle two fingers manipulating a control on the inside of the suit’s wrist. A collar restraint system came down on Mack’s shoulders, followed by the suit’s helmet section swinging down over Mack’s helmeted head. A sharp hiss sounded. “Suit sealed.”
- Turnabout Confusion Part II: All The King's Horses, by Dennis (continued): Stacy was at ground zero of the power play, and didn't like it.
- Not So Easy, by MMan (Part 3): When the going gets tough, the tough call Daria.
Moar l8r.
Bette Page?
No, but I must have looked at dozens of Ms. Page's cheesecake shots in discovering who Quinn was pretending to be. The journey was not unpleasant in the least.
Hint: At first, I thought the picture was supposed to be of Quinn imitating Rita Hayworth, Betty Grable, or Jane Russell. Then I discovered it wasn't that specific.
The answer will appear tomorrow at 11 a.m., Eastern time.
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