Sunday, November 30, 2008

Still looking for places to post your stories?

While updating the Daria Directory at left, I discovered a new place to post your fanworks: the newly revised site. No Daria works have been posted there yet! I haven't checked the procedure, but I figured you hardcore writers might want to know about this ASAP. (The old site is here.)

Perhaps someone can report back about the site. Do it to it.

LATE NOTE: Two other fanfic sites that might be open are the famous (infamous? in a good way, sure) Lawndale Leftovers and Lady Cosmos's Fanfic Library. Interested parties should e-mail the webmasters involved and find out what's up.

Daria Fan Club now up to 1,049 members. Man, that really jumped in the last few months.

I've cleaned up a lot of the links at left. Hope it works for you all. If you are looking for interesting images, definitely click on some of the lesser-known and smaller sites, which have all sorts of stuff on them from the Olden Days. Just found more of it tonight.


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