In 1994, Daria appeared in a Halloween issue of the Beavis and Butt-head comic book. Thanks to Charles RB for directing me to the DariaWiki entry!
To get into the Halloween spirit, check out this collection of spooky Daria fanfic on Outpost Daria. If that's not enough for you, here's a monster list of even more Halloween fanfics:
- All Hallows' Peeved by Kristen Bealer
- The Best Halloween Ever by Brother Grimace
- Bump in the Night by Richard Lobinske
- Cats Night Out by Richard Lobinske
- Daria's Halloween Extravaganza by Tara May
- Death Takes a Holliday by The Angst Guy
- A Great Halloween Party by Brother Grimace
- Halloween Hellraiser by Patrick Moore
- Halloween in Lawndale by Melissa
- The Halloween Spirit by Jill Palmer
- Halloween Treats by Brother Grimace
- Her Web of Sin by Smileyfax
- The Journal of Daria Morgendorffer by Mystik Slacker
- Legally Halloween by Richard Lobinske
- Mad Dog by The Angst Guy
- Padded Room of Terror by Mike Quinn
- The Prank by Smileyfax
- Scarlett the Fairy and the Halloween Party by Aloysius
- Sowing and Reaping by Thomas Mikkelsen
- Trick or Treat by Barry Eshkol Adelman
- Trick-or-Trent by Canadibrit
- Trick-or-Trent by Elizabeth