Today is also the birthday of Guy Fawkes, or at least it was 438 years ago. (Guy Fawkes Day is November 5th.) The holiday itself is doing tolerably well on Holiday Island as the lead singer for a high-school band. Also attending Holiday Island High School are Laotian New Year's Day, Thai New Year's Day, and Cambodian New Year's Day (all celebrated today), and a bunch of saints' days no one can keep track of.
SIDE NOTE: My home computer has somehow magically picked up one of those toolkits . . . no, wrong, I meant rootkits, which means I have to either call in a Catholic priest to exorcise my hard drive while it vomits pea soup all over the Internet, or else throw gasoline on my computer and burn it. I will probably take the middle road, which will be to put my computer in the middle of the road and let it be hit by a bus. More news later as things develop. Or not.
So you got a trojan huh. That bites. Well you could try playing really loud 80s pop music, that's worked in several hostage situations in the past.
Huh huh huh huh, you said trojan, huh huh huh huh...
Uh, I meant to say, as long as I don't have to play Flock of Seagulls, I'll try it.
This is a good time to point out that I am using a new feature on this blog, which is the publish-in-the-future feature, allowing me to type out messages about future events (like about The Met and Guy Fawkes) days earlier, then set them so they will be published later, which helps me keep at least a blog at day going. I hate blogless days. I can later add stuff to the posts, like about the rootkit (damn it). Cool beans.
Good luck in exorcising your computer.
I think I fixed it, except for all the error messages that appear whenever I boot up. Back in business!
A rootkit is far more insidious than a trojan or virus. If you want to make doubly and triply sure all traces of it are gone, two of the ultimate Windows mavens created RootkitRevealer. It's a free download. The results may be a bit rocky to interpret, but there's no shortage of geeks around to help.
Try using NOD32. Pretty handy for all those Trojans.....heh heh heh heh heh Trojans heh heh Oh yeah heh heh heh....
That reminds me, I should watch V for Vendetta ASAP. It's Guy Fawkes Day. Or was.
I got RootkitRevealer after I read about those damn thingers. Scared the crap out of me, and that made a real mess because I'm so full of it. Still trying to repair some spots in Windows that the rootkit damaged, but at least my 'pooter works.
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