MMan discovered a very useful website for writers, called "How to Write Almost Readable Fan Fiction." Besides being funny, it's also good for experienced writers to go over, lots of advice. Thanks, MMan!
NEWS UPDATE: What Would Telepathy Be Like? a discussion thread begun by Scissors MacGillicutty, is still growing. Excellent resource material if you have telepathy in one of your fanfics.
Almost 20,000 hits on DFB2! Subtract out mine and we have . . . um . . . some hits! Wahoo!
If you are in the mood for some fun, try Create a Quinn! Use your computer graphics skills to modify a standard picture of Quinn and make her unique.
Now for a quick update that I might expand later, if anything's posted:
- The Handmaidens of Narcissus, by TheSecretSharer (up to Act I, Scene IV): Shakespeare's long-lost classic of life in Lawndale! The title is perfect, too.
- Iron Chef: Personality Wipe, unnamed ficlet by Greystar (COMPLETE!): Poor Tom! This begs for more.
- Iron Chef: Unusual Superpowers, a challenge offered by Kalad1 to give a Lawndale character a weird superpower. Some very good ficlets are here. MOAR!!!
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