[Family portrait went at top, but is not available for some reason. TAG]
We are a family of four: Jake, Helen, Quinn and Esmerelda. We enjoy wholesome activities like quilting, raising border collies, and reversing the earth's gravitational pull. I guess you could say we're a happy, well-adjusted family. You could also say that every spring a gigantic hare travels around the globe hiding chocolate ellipsoids in people's yards.
[This sounds like Daria wrote it. Perhaps she broke into the website and tinkered with it. TAG]
Fashion Club Meeting (2 replies-- click here!)
(from Quinn--Today!)
The Fashion Club will be meeting in my room this evening for our "Avoiding Lash Clump" Clinic. No loud noises, please! They can cause serious mascara wand accidents.
Where are my lucky socks? (4 replies-- click here!)
(from Jake--Today!)
Need them for my consulting confab. The ones with the lucky hole in the big toe. Anyone seen them?
Anyone for Lunch? (2 replies-- click here!)
(from Helen--Yesterday!)
My client lunch was cancelled (sentenced to house arrest--LONG STORY!) so I have an opening from 1-2. Any takers? My treat.
Eerie faces (3 replies-- click here!)
(from Daria--Yesterday!)
Just wondering, is anyone else seeing ghostly apparitions in the storm windows?
[Replies are not available, damn it. TAG]
Allowance Re-Negotiations--Today!
"Togs for Togo" Drive-Tomorrow!
Colonoscopy Day-This week! Couple Therapy Accusathon-October 30
Click here to go to your family calendar.
[Calendar is not available. TAG]
What do you want for dinner tonight? Posted by Jake--TODAY!
- Lasagna ala Pomodoro
- Lasagna Originale
- Lasagna Festa
- Lasagna Tri-Colore
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