Sunday, April 20, 2008

In the Realm of Improbable Politics

While surfing the 'net I found the poster at left, which was actually used in New Hampshire recently when a Republican named Jane Lane ran for office. Hmm, probably not the Jane Lane we know. Her being a Republican from New Hampshire would be a stretch, even for a cartoon.

Brother Grimace and Roentgen have sent some website addresses to me that might be of interest to Daria fans. More on those later. First, some updates.

  • Could Have Been, by legendeld (fragment): An accident in a science lab, and Quinn and her husband suddenly have two little daughters. Only they aren't their daughters.
  • John Lane 34: Barbeques and Gridiron, by Richard Lobinske (Part 3): Nothing says togetherness like the ritual consumption of burnt animal flesh.
  • A Little Vacation, by Doggieboy (Part 19): Daria was a cartoon character in Robert's world, but in Daria's world, Robert is—
  • My Sons, by legendeld (Part 16): When you care enough to send the very best, send fire.
  • Untitled Fic, by MMan (COMPLETE!): Locked up in jail! Denied a phone call! Forced to eat meat loaf! And then . . . OTIS!

More tomorrow.

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