Wednesday, April 23, 2008

It's Secretaries Administrative Professionals Day!

Administrative Professionals Day is the last Wednesday in April, when we honor the Mariannes of the world, cruelly oppressed by their crazed evil overlords and forced to beg for time off from work during natural disasters to save their families. Give an AP a hug today, unless that would be inappropriate and get you sent to Human Resources for a good talking-to.

The unquenchable fuel tank of DariaWiki continues to fill with high-octane information poured from the able gas pumps of Quiverwing, Scissors MacGillicutty, Brother Grimace, Richard Lobinske, Roentgen, Nighthawk, Dennis, Taryn, Tosy, Cyde, Dr. Mike, and others, keeping our fandom speeding down the virtual highways of the Interblogcybernet and into tomorrow. I never metaphor I didn't like.

Let's see what's going on with some of the smaller message boards. Two important news notes first.
  • The Fandom MB has been taken offline. Little content was present.
  • The Illusion TV MB might have virus-infected webpages, so use caution. One of my antivirus systems (Avira) alerted me to this.
As for the other MBs:
Nothing new on SFMB for days. Oh, well. More news later.

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