BRAKING GNUZ! C.E. Forman (yes! that one!) wants to PARTY!!! Go to this link and check it out!
- NEW! The Fate of the Duels, by a440 (prologue and Part 1): Translated from the Spanish as "the meadows," that name was somewhat of a misnomer as there was almost hardly any green, save for the gardens, house yards in the burbs, and golf courses here and there. But here in Sin City, as it was called, that hardly mattered because the only green to found there was money. And money was what most people came here to gamble for.
- NEW! The Pole, by Quinnley1 (COMPLETE!): [story contains adult themes] One day, I found myself in desperate need for a large amount of money or else I would have to choose between paying for my textbooks and eating. It was the first and only time I had really mishandled my money, and for a Trent-related incident no less. I decided that the side waitressing job wasn't enough, so I asked the manager to let me dance for one night. With my need to justify everything, I even managed to convince myself that stripping would be a great thesis study for my Study of Modern Society class.
- Finn Morgendorffer 43: A Tale of Three Schrecters, by HolyGrail2007 (COMPLETE!): “Do you mind telling me what your hand was doing on that part of my son’s body?” Helen asked. Her voice was level and very calm.
- The Hallowed Halls of Fielding, by Roentgen (Part 25): Sometimes I wish I could be like Quinn, Daria thought. When it comes to academics, she just doesn't give a damn.
- NEW! Exercise Time for Scarlett the Fairy, by Aloysius (COMPLETE!): Scarlett the Fairy looked at the pistol aimed at her face, her expression calm and collected. Yes, she was facing the business end of a .44-Magnum Ruger Super Blackhawk, and yes, one bullet would be enough to blow her to bits and ruin her day. But she wasn't worried.
- NEW! A Visit to the Church, by Aloysius (COMPLETE!): It was the depression of a Sarah Palin landslide victory that caused Daria to go on a three-day bender. She was finally lucid on Saturday, November 10, and sat up in the bed. O.K., she thought. Where am I and how did I get here? “I see that you’re awake,” the man said.
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