Here is Arbor Day (better picture than usual) from "Depth Takes a Holiday." Poor treehugger kid, picked on by everyone who doesn't love trees. Looks sad. Bummer.
The creative Ms. Kinnikufan has created another Iron Chef for the writers among us: Daria in the Supreme Court. What cases would she oversee? What would her life as a justice be like? Will Jane spill the beans about Daria's unpaid traffic tickets?
List of new fanfics coming shortly, need to take care of stuff. And speaking of trees, enjoy The Oaks!
- Beta Testing, by RLobinske (COMPLETE!): "A precognitive computer?" Archangel asked. "Yes and no. It doesn't predict the future, it records it." "This is going to be one of those explanations that makes my head hurt, isn't it?" (FF.net)
- NEW! Daria: Hunter 5—Infectious, by Jim North (continued): "Nothing but blood," Burnout said as they stepped back out into the hallway. "Maybe, maybe not," said Daria. "We won't know unless we look, and it's better than wandering around aimlessly. Don't worry... tracking people down is our business. We'll find them."
- Finn Morgendorffer 44: My Three Young Women, by HolyGrail2007 (Part 3): “There’s a lot of things I could say about Finn,” said Jane. “It’s awkward enough,” Daria cut her friend off. “But I’m sure he’s flattered.” “I know I gotta talk to him, but... I just know I’m gonna hate it.” “Well, he’s busy anyway.” “Busy?” Jane asked. “He said he was going to lunch with Sierra, and then to some party.” “And he didn’t invite me?” Jane’s eyebrows cocked.
- Omnia Mutantur, by Yogi (COMPLETE!): “Why madam, it is truly my pleasure to welcome such a vision of loveliness to the very humble halls of Lawndale High.” It took Daria a few seconds before she realized that it had been addressed at her. Looking up, she saw a boy with orange/red hair and freckles giving her a wide smile. “Uh, thanks. My name’s Daria. Daria Morgendorffer” Daria replied, cursing her sudden lack of eloquence. She wasn’t expecting this, he had caught her off guard, everything was happening so fast. “Charles Ruttheimer the Third, at your service” the boy said, making a deep bow.
- Parents Are People, by Legendeld (Part 2): Quinn didn't need her to explain the statement, she only nodded. She was afraid the sound of her own voice agreeing would unleash tears. So this is the whole growing up thing Daria is always talking about. It sucks royally.
- NEW! Weighted Clothes, by Yogi (Part 1): Too small Pink T-shirt? Check. Fashionable Jeans? Check. Makeup? Check. Complete and utter destruction of her pride and self respect? Well, hopefully it wouldn’t come to that. “OK, “ Daria thought, going through the plan in her mind one more time. “3-Js come, dad calls out that my dates are here, though he’ll probably think they’re Quinn’s. Quinn exits room to see what is up, runs into me, mission accomplished. No one but Quinn will ever see, and my dignity will remain intact.” “Quinn! Your dates are here!”
Thanks to UU for helping with the images!
As Sally Brown said, Arbor Day is the day when all the ships come sailing into the 'arbor.
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