This is also Emancipation Day for everyone living in Washington, D.C. Party hearty!
In The Daria Diaries, the review of Mystic Spiral in "Muck and Rage" appeared on this day, but we're not sure which year.
In my list of unfinished stories a few posts ago, I forgot one extra-good one from long ago...
- A Sarcastic Beginning, by Thea Zara: OMG, what I wouldn't give to know happened next!
- The Dream of the White Darkness, by jtranser (continued): "Damn! Jane, what did you do to yourself? Your mouth, your eyes, your whole face....hell, your whole body! You - you look glossy! You look like you've been photoshopped!"
- NEW! Falling into College: The Clip Show, by RLobinske (Part 3): Karen walked across the main Quad and said, "From time to time, we managed to have a little bit drama around here, like the first time Michael asked Daria to marry him. Nice thought, lousy timing."
- NEW! A Few Years Difference, by Vlora (Part 5): "Well, class, we have a special guest today," O'Neill chuckled in a way that would strip paint off walls. He looked expectantly at Daria, who was sitting in the front right corner of the room. She was busy playing with a pencil when she looked up, smiling very vaguely at the class.
- Finn Morgendorffer 42: The Suburban Symphony, by HolyGrail2007 (Part 7): ”I’m not done. Finn, She might be bad at times, but she’s not always. And you, of all people know this. You and Daria may have had your moments, and I’m sure it was intense. But you know, she’s helped you, too. A lot. More than you’ll admit to me.”
- MOST NEWEREST!!! Jacob Morgendorffer, Esq., by CAP (Part 8): How Vincent and Amanda could leave their children for weeks on end seemingly on a whim at times was beyond him, especially leaving them in the care of Summer, whom Jake would not have entrusted with a goldfish.
- NEWEREST! A New Set of Rules, by Dennis (continued): Daria hurried to the library. She was bundled up against the cold Indiana January, with heavy coat, scarf, hat, and gloves, but still the cold wind cut right through her. Classes had begun only a few days ago, but between her work and helping Kevin, she felt like she'd already fallen behind. On this chilly Friday, the library offered a needed haven, both from the cold and the chaos. Kevin was on his last round of revisions, thanks to a heroic effort on both their parts, which meant she had a day or two to herself to catch up. She yanked the door open, struggling against the wind, and all but leaped inside.
- Some unnamed concept that I will name later, by SigDiff (continued): “We want to make the world like it was before,” Daria continued, “only better. It has to be better, or else we'll all end up right back here, in a destroyed civilization where people barely survive off the land and children grow up without even learning to speak.”
How do people like the artwork that goes with these posts? I'm trying to find new and different stuff when I can. I have reused a few older shots but hope to branch out more, get more interesting images.
It's hoopy.
Use fan made pictures. That is if they would allow, but this is a Daria site so there should be no problem.
Use fan made pictures. That is if they would allow, but this is a Daria site so there should be no problem.
This will sound idiotic, given how often MTV art is used here without permission, but I would rather ask permission of fans before using their work, and that get tedious. There's still a ton of MTV art left to use, too. If MTV tells me to stop it, I will, but for now it's easier to just use the MTV stuff. Don't want to upset the fan base when MTV is being silently agreeable.
And how are fans feeling about you using snippets of their work to advertise their stories, hmm?
Feel free to use any of my stuff- or let me know what you want- Im no SC but I can do canonish stuff :)
And how are fans feeling about you using snippets of their work to advertise their stories, hmm?
I'm covered by the same laws that allow DJs to sample music. I think. No one has sued me yet.
Feel free to use any of my stuff- or let me know what you want- Im no SC but I can do canonish stuff :)
Oh! Um, thank you, we will see what comes up!
Actually, a lot of the fans swing by here just to fulfill their curiosity about which bit he used to promo the story. There are even a couple of people who try to add "zinger" lines in their story in the hopes that he'll pick them to use.
It's become a fandom mini-game, for some people.
Well, this fan author thinks it's awesome, especially when you pick out the one funny line in his story to use as the teaser.
Feel free to use any of my old work...waste not want not.
Actually, a lot of the fans swing by here just to fulfill their curiosity about which bit he used to promo the story. There are even a couple of people who try to add "zinger" lines in their story in the hopes that he'll pick them to use.
It's become a fandom mini-game, for some people.
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