What book put Tom Sloane to sleep at Daria's house, in "My Night at Daria's"? It was Immanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason (slightly misspelled in the episode as Critique of Pure Reasoning). Kant, who actually could, was born this day 286 years ago.
In theory, this is also National Jelly Bean Day, but no one knows why. Only one Daria fanfic to my knowledge even mentions jelly beans, and it was written twelve years ago by Invisigoth Gypsy.
NEWS FLASH! This just in: HolyGrail2007 reliably informs us that "Finn Morgendorffer 39: That S-E-X Word" also contains a reference to jelly beans, making it the only Daria fanfic in the past twelve years, other than Invisigoth Gypsy's "Appearances Can Be Deceiving," to include that snack food. We will remain on the air as long as we can to report further developments. Stay tooned.
Time again for fanfic. Oh! Almost forgot! Today is EARTH DAY!
- Finn Morgendorffer 43: A Tale of Three Schrecters, by HolyGrail2007 (Part 5): “You don’t need to ask.” Elizabeth remarked. “Your mother doesn’t even need to know. She won’t call, she’ll be in court. You’ll get home before she will. I’ll make sure of that.” Elizabeth remarked as she put her arm around Finn’s shoulder.
- NEW! Gender Bender, by Minx (COMPLETE!): “Just because you spell your name with an ‘i’ instead of a ‘y’ and you dress in girls clothes doesn’t make you female,” Sam said as he sidestepped Sandi’s attack. “Just get out of here you little brat!” Sandi screamed, his voice wavered and came dangerously close to cracking.
- The Heather/Damsel Chronicles 1:13: Monkey See, Monkey Do, by NightGoblyn (preview): Daria looked up from her second cup of Irish coffee when the kitchen door swung open, her daughter striding confidently into the room and over to the 'fridge. The steady thumping of the girl's boots across the hardwood floor was the only sound in the room at first, but it was then followed by the gentle clinks and clanks of things being shifted around and examined for their potential use as breakfast.
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: Pact With The Devil), by NoName999 (COMPLETE!): Daria awoke to find herself in Hell. Apparently she had forgotten that pride was one of the deadly sins. And she learned that the hard way. "If I had known that the third time's the charm, I would have never crossed the street during rush hour just to throttle Jane," she said. "If only I were Moses."
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