Saturday, April 17, 2010

A Day for Great Books

Two great and long-lived works of literature are connected with this day. Today is the day that Odysseus supposedly arrives home in Ithaca after the Trojan War, 3,188 years ago, as calculated by an astronomer a few years ago. Homer recorded the story in The Odyssey. Daria at left holds another work in which Odysseus was mentioned, Homer's Iliad (as seen in "The Big House").

This is also the day, 623 years ago, when Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales supposedly takes place, going by time-related clues left in the manuscript. (An editor figured it out.) Jeffy at right holds a copy of The Canterbury Tales as he tries (and fails) to enact the part of Palamon (as seen in "Fair Enough").

Daria would celebrate the day by reading. Perhaps imitation of her would be wise.

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