Today is the 2,762nd birthday of the city of Rome, and I don't have a single image to celebrate it. Not one! However, I do have a picture of Brittany dressed as Queen Elizabeth II, whose birthday it also is (she's 84). AND this is the third birthday of "Stacy Rowe, Seeker," by jtranser, introduced on PPMB. Hooray!
Daria episodes from seasons 1-3 are now available on iTunes! More news here.
Write/artist Vlora recently spent a day as Daria. The result was amazing.
Echopapa's new Iron Chef: Pact With The Devil. "The challenge: write a ficlet wherein a Lawndalian makes a deal with Old Scratch for personal gain, or to extricate themselves or others from some kind of jam. Extra points for beating the Devil. Double extra points for thinking that they have beaten the Devil."
A rather naughty (possibly NSFW but not terrible) view of Quinn, by InnocentTazlet, has appeared in The Easel on PPMB. No link here, just go there and find it.
- Anti-Trope, by Minx (continued): “Dean, Quinn stop fighting. We are all going on a tour of the college, and that is final! There will be no sarcastic remarks—” she pointed to Dean “—and no wandering off to find the cool kids—” she said to Quinn. “And no inappropriate reminiscent stories of any kind,” she said finally to Jake.
- The Dream of the White Darkness, by jtranser (continued): "Yes, dreams lead lives of their own. Consider the Twilight Dream, which occurs just before sleep and just before awakening; they favor those very brief seconds of changing light levels in the mind and choose then to emerge and inspect their own realms, to feed on dreamers as they drift in and out of slumber, and to mark their territories."
- NEW! Falling into College: The Clip Show, by RLobinske (Part 4): "Back home in Lawndale, things did get a little weird when I got caught up in the unraveling of the full story behind Ms. Li's scheme with Lenard Lamm and Linda Griffin to promote Ultra Cola. And the big surprise was the help from Sandi Griffin."
- Finn Morgendorffer 43: A Tale of Three Schrecters, by HolyGrail2007 (Parts 2 and 3 and 4!): “Am I getting paid for this?” “Technically, no. However, you will get an increase in your allowance. A sort of wage.” “A trick to avoid minimum wage laws?” “Finn, I can quote laws you would never have even heard of.”
- Folie à deux, by Charliefox2012 (Part 5): Daria glared at Evie. “Be quiet. Take notes. Pass the damn class,” she said sharply. “It’s simple and it would be one less fight between you and mom.” Evie scowled. “I hate you,” she muttered, peeved, taking out a notebook and pen. “The feeling’s mutual,” Daria grumbled. The twins glared at each other.
- NEW! General Semantics, Private Angst, by Gwrtheyrn (Part 22): "Doctor, I'm tired, too. But we can't waste time. We need some kind of a plan, or Mars and Earth are toast, and that's the end of the null-A way of life."
- Girl in a Jar, by Trscroggs (COMPLETE!): Jane Lane, BFAC graduate of 2217 and artist for hire, shivered as her body adjusted to the lower temperature of the preservationist lab. Or at least that was what she was hoping the reaction was. Her latest job was sending her into the governmental storage facility were some of the most dangerous technology of the Gene Revolution was kept. Some of that stuff could destroy the world, but most of it had been kept ice for more than a century. If anything was going to escape it certainly wasn’t waiting for her presence to do so . . . . She hoped.
- A Hell of a Sister, by Trscroggs (COMPLETE!): In the comfort and safety of their home, Daria didn’t waste the effort in disguising what she was. Truthfully, the tiny red horns were just barely visible through Daria’s hair. Thankfully, Daria thought the effort required to manifest her traditional tail and wings was rarely worth it.
- MOST NEWEREST!!! Invader Dar, by Wraith (continued): Six months later, Dar was wondering if shooting QIN out of the Voot cruiser and into a passing sun would help. Unfortunately, that plan had a drawback. Namely, having to make calculations, or in other words, work. Not that the calculations would have been too difficult, except that SIR units were quite capable of maneuvering in a vacuum. "Are you ever going to stop singing?" QIN ignored this, still singing, "Cute, cute cute, cute, cute."
- NEWER!! A New Set of Rules, by Dennis (continued): It took Daria awhile to finally work up the nerve to look at Kevin's paper. She saw he'd finally given it a title, and his choice, “The Playbook for Great Expectations,” nearly made her give up then and there. But a promise was a promise, even if it was made to Kevin Thompson, so she gritted her teeth and got started.
- NEW! Souled Out! by Project Pegasus (COMPLETE!): "All right," said Thom Beelzebub. "I usually don't say this, but that really wasn't something to sell your soul over. I think you made a mistake."
- Unnamed story (Three-peat! New Ideas Thread Wins Again!), by Trscroggs (COMPLETE!): “So, found another princess I see,” Trent Lane said as Daria Morgendorffer left the Lane residence. Jane shot her brother a look. “We’ve discussed this before, Trent. I am not looking for a princess. And besides, Daria would be highly insulted if you called her that.”
- NEW! Wild Powers, Wilder Cynics, by Trscroggs (COMPLETE!): Daria sighed and looked over at her mother. “Wild Magic always requires a price right? Effort in return for the ability to make a change.”
Whoa! It's been three years since I started this little literary experiment with Stacy walking into Velva and Leo's Burger Corral to begin her quest for enlightenment? Man, that's a lot of shucked off time dust... I just want to say thanks to all the readers for their support, inspiration and assistance. As y'all can see, I'm not done yet, as the story has a life of its own. But it's getting there.
No rush, man! Take your time! :)
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