My Favorite "Mart of Darkness" Quotes
- "Oops." (Tom)
- "Oh no! Oh, my God! Oh no, accessory emergency. Stacy, I have to go. No, Stacy, it's not you. It's not. It's not! Okay, fine! It is you! Bye!" (Quinn)
- "A vision of Christ in a half-eaten candy bar? Talk about 'My Sweet Lord!' The Immaculate Confection, next on Sick, Sad World."
- "I see where Kevin gets his charm." "Yeah, Mr. Thompson's funny." "Oh, shut up." "Okay." (Mrs. Barch and Jamie)
- "I just love laundry detergent boxes. They're so... happy!" (Brittany)
- "What do you think I am? Stupid?" (Brittany) (sorry)
- "Look, Tom's reasonable enough. Maybe if you just talked it out." "Hmm. Sounds sort of drastic." "Then, how about this? Serve him some frozen lasagna and tell him you're sorry you haven't been around much lately, but as soon as you get some time off, you're gonna do something fun together and really catch up on each other's lives." "You know, Helen ought to write a book." (Daria and Jane)
- "Well, you found me. Now you can make fun of the pathetic goth chick whose parents make her work at a crappy job in a stupid warehouse store. Go on, cut me up like you do everyone else." (Andrea)
- "Will whoever has their hand on my butt please remove it, this instant." (Sandi, to...?)
- A strange post-apocalypse tale begins this day 11 years ago. Recall the title?
- An original character in Daria fanfiction died 147 years ago today, but not in every alternate Dariaverse. Who was he?
- A minor Daria who appeared only once had her wedding gown made this day 74 years ago. Who was she?
- Finally, a popular Daria website was last updated three years ago today. Which one is that?
- Daria & Son, by Brian Taylor and Erin Mills (COMPLETE!): "Mr. O'Neill?" "Please, Daria, you can call me "Timothy" or even "Tim" if you like. After all, we're going to be colleagues now." It's official. Lawndale High is the tenth ring of Hell.
- Finn Morgendorffer 52: With Extra Bitters, by HolyGrail2007 (Part 1): “Jake, you will be on your best behavior when we go to that mixer. No drinking. You know how you get when you’re drinking.” “It’s a mixer, Helen!” “And I recall when you drank during the paintball trip.” Helen countered. “In fact, make sure you only discuss business and pleasantries. Nothing else, be good.” “Aww, dammit Helen. I can behave if I want to!” Jake shouted. Helen sighed. Perhaps, the morning of this mixer, she’d need to spike his coffee with ipecac.
- Kabti-Ilani-Marduk, by Malakite (Part 4): Daria tried to shake the sensation that she'd become trapped in some lame TV soap opera as she held onto the sobbing form of Sandi Griffin. Sandi had shown up unannounced less than five minutes earlier,made some small chitchat about the WNBA (Daria herself didn't quite see the appeal), then broke down in tears and incoherence. Comforting people wasn't exactly her area of expertise, but she did her best, making what she hoped were comforting sounds as she hugged Sandi and patted her gently on the back.
Who had a hand on Sandi's butt?
Mr. Lonely, are you a NeoBux bot?
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