Today is National Sleepy Head Day, plus being a critical date in a Daria fanfic and the birthday of the woman who sang Jane Lane's favorite song of all time. The immortal Bugs Bunny turns 70 today, too.
"Little Shop of Horrors" opened off-Broadway in NYC 28 years ago today. The play is crossed over only once in all Daria fanfiction, but it was a very fine job indeed.
- Breitasparrow has unleashed two mind-blowing crossover artworks using Daria characters and 1960s modern-fantasy TV sitcoms. Go, thou, and be amazed!
- Bedside Consultation II, by Chris Tucker (COMPLETE!): "So, Daria, how does it feel to be going home?" "Words do not exist!" "Hah! Yeah, I bet. Your father will be here in about an hour, traffic willing. We're going to miss you, but we're damned happy to see you leave." "Yeah, about that. I... this isn't easy for me. Look, I want to apologize for all the grief I caused you and everyone else." "Oh, and what 'grief' might this be, then?" "Come on! You know. The tantrums, the swearing, the cursing, God, the throwing stuff around."
- A Clockwork Sandi, by rglovejoy (COMPLETE!): Sandi Griffin sat with her droogs at their usual place at the Korova Milk Bar. Each of them held a non-fat Soy milk, laced with Vellocet, to sharpen them all up for some of the old ultraviolence.... (Daria/A Clockwork Orange)
- Daria/Dorian 5: Mountain of Truth, by LadieT (Part 6): Jane opened her eyes in shock when she felt Dorian's lips press against hers. She started to resist, then began to return the kiss in full. After their lips broke apart, her blue eyes fixed on his face. Jane's breath began to fog up Dorian's glasses. She lifted them off of his face as their lips met again. After the second kiss, Dorian said four words that made time stand still. "I love you too."
- Finn Morgendorffer 54: On the Outside of Love, by HolyGrail2007 (Part 4): Stacy knocked on Finn’s door and was very grateful to see him at home. “Hey!” Finn cheered, and gave Stacy a firm hug. “Finn! Hello!” Stacy responded with her cheer. Anything to stall the bad news for just a few moments. She did not relish what it was she was about to do, but Finn had to know.
- Judith Strikes! Symbiosis, by Silver (COMPLETE!): No alarms. Barely any noise. Judith hit the ground as softly as she could manage. “No guards. Given the way this world works, they're probably stoned off their asses.” She straightened, brushing her crimson cloak off in an almost vain gesture. She smirked, remembering the looks of its creators before she'd taken it. And, for that matter, taken their lives. She forced her mind back to the task at hand. Her eyes fell on the book, one of several in the museum's exhibit. A book, salvaged from the ruins of Miskatonic University's prestigious Orne Library.
- Kolchak: The Lawndale File, by Chris Tucker (COMPLETE!): "You've been reassigned by the head office. You're going to Maryland. Some podunk suburb." Tony looked through the mess of papers on his desk like a bloodhound after a baloney sandwich. Which reminds me, I haven't had lunch yet. "Ah! Here it is. Lawndale, Maryland. A little town where nothing ever happens. The head office is sending you to Siberia, Kolchak. No more of your damn fool monster of the week stories. They're fed up with your little fantasies." (Daria/Kolchak: The Night Stalker)
- The Lanes Get to Do Some Cussing, or, Writer's Block Comix, by Gwrtheyrn (Part 1): "I have a collect call for Jane from the Spiral, in Walla Walla, Washington; will you accept charges?" "Yes," she agreed, instantly. "Janey, I need you to wire us five hundred bucks." Of course, it was her beloved brother, Trent. He sounded haggard, exhausted. "WHAT? Where am I going to lay hands on that kind of money? I thought you guys were doing well on this trip!"
- Raft College: The First Year, by rglovejoy (Part 19): Jane put her arms out to embrace her friend. "I can't wait to get back here, Daria. It's lonely down there in Lawndale without you. There's hardly anyone to talk to, except Trent." Daria felt very warm. "Jane, we're sisters, right?" Jane released her. "Not biologically, but yeah, I guess we are. I'm not all that close to Penny or Summer, so you're the nearest I have to a sister." Daria reached around to the back of her neck. A moment later, she held a thin gold chain with a crystal pendant in her hand.
- School Days, by Chris Tucker (COMPLETE!): Dear Mac: Gained two more pounds, up to 88 pounds. Putting on muscle, especially in the legs. If I have any reason whatsoever to be grateful for being sick, it's that now I never ever have to do that stupid rope climbing thing in gym class! So while my comrades in humiliation struggle skywards, I am condemned to briskly trot around the perimeter of the gymnasium. Oh, the humiliation, the shame, the time to think while I enjoy a pleasant solitary stroll, my thoughts interrupted only by the sound of the occasional body falling onto the safety mats.
- Unnamed story (Three Edged Sword), by Kristen Bealer (COMPLETE!): What do you think they're working on in Tom's room right now?
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: In Celebration of Stanley Kubrick), by Brian Taylor (COMPLETE!): "GENTLEmen! COCK your PISTOLS!" Daria's father... "GENTLEmen! AIM your PISTOLS!" ...had been bred, like many other young sons of working-class families, to the military arts. (Daria/Barry Lyndon)
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: In Celebration of Stanley Kubrick), by rglovejoy (COMPLETE!): Quinn dropped off her books on the kitchen counter and went to the refrigerator to get a diet soda. "Hey Daria, you know we've got a substitute English teacher this week. He says he's a novelist, his name is Mr. Humbert...." (Daria/Lolita)
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: In Celebration of Stanley Kubrick), by Charles RB (COMPLETE!): Daria pressed her eye to the door's keyhole - she could see one young man, dressed in an odd white suit, looking distressed. "Help, miss! Please open up, there's been a terrible accident!" (Daria/A Clockwork Orange)
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: In Celebration of Stanley Kubrick), by Minx (COMPLETE!): Daria Morgendorffer sat in the room. As she came to, Daria became immediately became aware of two things; the rancid smell of stale vomit that infiltrated her nostrils, and the faint burning sensation in her wrists and ankles. She made a vain attempt to move her heavy head, but quickly came to the realization that she was trapped. Her head was held in place against the tall back of a hard wooden chair by two leather straps that ran the girth of her forehead and chin; likewise she found that her hands and feet had been shackled in a similar fashion. She pulled hard at her restraints and writhed in pain, as the burning in her limbs intensified. (Daria/A Clockwork Orange)
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: In Celebration of Stanley Kubrick), by rglovejoy (COMPLETE!): "What's YOUR name, scumbag?" "Uh, Kevin Thompson, sir!" (Daria/Full Metal Jacket)
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: In Celebration of Stanley Kubrick), by Brother Grimace (COMPLETE!): CHOP! (Daria/The Shining)

Iron Man, dude! :)
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