Today is Racial Harmony Day in Singapore, and we give them our best. Marshall McLuhan, who studied the development of mass media and coined the term "global village," was born this day 99 years ago.
And now for the news.
- Daria appeared on the cover of AM New York recently and was there discovered by Chris Tucker, who announced it on PPMB with help from Jim North.
- Check out the Daria motivational posters, courtesy of NoName999. NEW! Even more motivational posters are being posted from assorted contributors! Party on!
- The Daria forum on Television Without Pity is now up to 55 pages. Awesome. Join the talk.
- NEW! Nu art: "South Park Daria," by GlitterShrooms; "Daria Is the Word," byDestiny18au.
- NEW! Charles RB brings to PPMB a new thread for fannish infighting: Upchuck: Threat or Menace?
- MUCH NEWER! Wraith's Sick, Sad World website has updated!
- MUCH MUCH NEWER! Kristen Bealer has discovered the ultimate home for bibliophiles like us Daria fans. Oh. My. Gawd....
- MUCH NEWER! The InDark, by Mediancat (Parts 28 and 29): Mrs. Kruger seethed, but inwardly realized she had no choice. Though she was chafing to get another shot at killing Daria Morgendorffer, she could dematerialize; she was not a teleporter and had to get to Salt Lake City the old fashioned way. Salt Lake City? she'd asked in disbelief, as though no one ever got assassinated in Utah.
- NEW! And the Number One Top-Ten Reason to Love the Telephone, by Chris Tucker (COMPLETE!): "The transplant took. She's making new blood cells on her own... No, don't thank me. It's her. She should have died several times... Slowly. Very slowly. She doesn't have a lot to work with right now." [Part of the "Season in Hell" series]
- NEW! Bedside Consultation, by Chris Tucker (COMPLETE!): "So, how are you feeling today?" Words do not exist, she wrote. "Yeah, it's rough. But, really, you are doing well. You're losing weight, to be expected, but not as fast as you could be. That's good. It shows you're absorbing nourishment, no matter how fast you're voiding it. No sign of infection at the feeding tube site, I see. Any pain at the site... well, any pain other than the usual?" [Part of the "Season in Hell" series]
- NEW! Daria and Trent Forever, by Malakite (Part 3): Jane herself couldn't quite believe what she was doing, to the extent that she was thinking about it at all. Making eyes at and chatting up her best friend's dad while her best friend was sitting right there, interjecting the occasional snide double entendre, was really not how she had planned to spend her time here.
- Daria/Dorian 5: Mountain of Truth, by LadieT (Part 2): Dorian flipped through the book. He choose a heavy jacket, first-aid kit, and a new sleeping bag. He would let Jane use it and if he could fit into his old one. He knew hers was not in good condition, especially if the weather became bad. He gave the catalog to his mom. Helen placed the order for overnight delivery. "Hey, Dad, can I borrow your camping backpack?" Dorian asked as he shut off the television. "Sure thing, kiddo. It's in the garage." Dorian headed for the garage, pulled out the oversized backpack, and went to his room. He leaned it against his desk while he made a short checklist of what he wanted to put in it. Rather be safe than sorry. Who knows what Ms. Li has got planned. A few minutes later, he heard a knock on his door. He opened it. Quinn and Jane came into the room. They looked at the backpack. "See, I told you he went off the deep end," Quinn smirked. (Part 3)
- Daria: Hunter 6—Infectious, by Jim North (continued): Jane tried to stand up, but her muscles didn't want to listen to her. She wibbled, she wobbled, but she couldn't get up. Consciousness decided to ditch her for a few seconds, leaving her back on the ground to start all over again. And start all over she did. She had to stand, had to help. "Now that was just STUPID, now WASN'T it, Miss Lane? JUST what I would EXPECT from a sidekick!" That voice, that hated voice! Jane gritted her teeth, pushed herself up with all her might, and punched DeMartino in the leg.
- Finn Morgendorffer 53: Purely Magnetic, by HolyGrail2007 (Parts 5, 6, and 7): “Actually, I was planning a trip down.” Jane informed him. “Daria and I are coming down for a weekend.” “Really? Well, that’s nice. Would be nice to see you again. What weekend?” “Prom weekend.” “Oh!” Finn tried not to sound overjoyed that he would at least have someone to hang out with. “Why’s that?” “No reason.” Jane was as hard to read as always. “You’ve got a reason. Tell me.” “A Jane reason.” Jane replied evasively. (Part 6) (Part 7)
- LAST CALL NEWESTER! First Born, by RLobinske (COMPLETE!): At the Birthing Center, they found the medic and the ambulance driver in the waiting room. The nurse at the duty station said, "Friends of the Adlers?" "Yes," Daria said. Jane said, "The military escort tipped you off." The nurse chuckled. "That, and Mrs. Adler is the only woman in labor." "Ah," Jane said. "That too." (Last part) (FF.net)
- Grove Hell 2: All the Lawndale People, by Charles RB (part 2): Jane was the best artist in school and had a rapport with art teacher Miss Defoe—both of which meant Jane felt compelled to enter the contest. She’d been grouchy until she’d realized her painting could show student life sucked. “Yes,” said Daria. “Got any ideas of what I can do?” “No.” “Come on, you’re the most negative person I know.” “A photo of Kevin and Brittany, and the words ‘America’s Future’.” “That’s too negative.” (FF.net)
- The Hallowed Halls of Fielding, by Roentgen (Part 45): Sue smiled, fairly satisfied with Misha's effort and her own finishing touches. "I'm coming back with blood, Misha. With blood!" "Good luck!" Sue marched out of the bathroom. Elsie Sloane, if you're wrong about this, I'm going to make the rest of the year a nightmare for you.
- Judith Strikes! The Best Halloween Ever! by Brother Grimace (COMPLETE!): The young woman known as Judith barely had time to scream as Daria Morgendorffer’s spring-loaded bed flipped over, around on one side, and smacked her face-first into a padded wall in the blink of an eye! “GAH—!” Judith choked out, as the bed fell away from her. “DA—” The curse was choked away as the bed slammed back into her, driving her back into the wall! “You little bi—” The bed struck again with a room-rattling WHAM! “I’m gonna ki—” WHAM! “You’re gonna pay—” WHAM!
- NEW! Kabti-Ilani-Marduk, by Malakite (Part 5): Daria giggled a little at the face her Dad was making.Then she leapt toward him and wrapped her arms around him. This caused the boat to rock back and forth gently as he told her how wonderful she was and how she was his favorite in that warm soothing voice. It was a paradise on a beautiful lake under a perfect sky. She purred gently as she buried her head in his chest. Then there was a horrible piercing crack of thunder and Daria lept up...
- The Lane That Wasn't, by LadieT (Part 2): We were on our way back to the school to destroy our poster. I remember heading out the front door saying, "I call shotgun." Daria turned to me, "Fine, but I claim it for the trip back." Trent was leaning against the front of the car. He had a small grin on his face. "I see Janey beat you again at shotgun, Dee." Jane's brow creased. I don't ever recall Trent having a pet name for Daria. Jane began to think about the conversation they had in the car. Daria was never this talkative around Trent. Even as we were getting out of the car, after I warned him to go park, Daria playfully slapped his arm and made a 'you better stay awake' gesture. He nodded and let out a slight laugh. Another look of confusion fell over Jane's face. I don't get it. Daria would never touch Trent much less slap him. I need answers and the two people I feel will give me straight answers can't. One is not here and the other is unconscious. Jane let out a long, frustrated sigh.
- MOST NEWESTER! My Heart Is Going Boom Boom Boom! by Chris Tucker (COMPLETE!): "Jake! How're you doing? The flight was OK? No trouble getting a cab?" "No, no. Everything went well." "Good. So, we'll be officially discharging Daria in about 30 minutes. Paperwork, you know. So. She's in remission. She's not cured. We never use that word with cancer. But the prognosis is damned good." Mac watched Jake carefully. This is usually when they lose it. Hang in there, Jake, she needs father to be strong for her right now! [Part of the "Season in Hell" series]
- NEW! Pizza Run, by Chris Tucker (COMPLETE!): "You know, when that favor is called in, it's going to be a whopper!" "Probably involving shovels, the dead of night and a convincing alibi about the sudden disappearance of Sandi." (MUCH MUCH NEWER! Part 2) [Part of the "Season in Hell" series]
- Raft College: The First Year, by rglovejoy (Part 18): "And while we're on the subject, what about the way you'd always be busting on Tom?" "What the hell're you talking about?" "It's a bone I've been meaning to pick, Daria. I thought you gave him so much shit about his money and his parents' connections while you two were dating. Okay, granted me and Tom were having problems before we stopped seeing each other, but I never had a problem with his money. I think if anyone had a right to feel resentful, it would have been me. He was even kind enough to get his folks to write a letter to Bromwell to try to get you off the waiting list. I didn't say it at the time, but I thought you were being an ass, being all resentful like that. He wasn't doing that because he was showing off or doing it as an act of charity. He did it because he loved you and he wanted you to be with him. Is that so freaking hard to understand?"
- Three-Edged Sword, by NightGoblyn (Parts 5 and 6): Tom glanced up, relief flickering across his face before fading back to worry. "Thanks for not locking the door," Daria said dryly, glancing around the living room. "Where's Jane?" "In her room," Tom said. "Probably still crying." "Oh." Daria stood quietly for a moment, fidgeting and watching Tom as he stared silently into the playpen. "What are you doing?" "I decided to spend some time with the only women in this house that don't hate me," he answered quietly. (Part 6)
- Who's the Bitch Now? by Chris Tucker (Parts 1 and 2 and 3): Seven months before graduation, the Season of Hell began very simply: "Where the hell did THAT come from?" she thought, as she was taking her morning shower. Yes, it was a lump in her breast. Yes, the biopsy indicated cancer, and malignant. And NOT the usual type of breast cancer. The next day, the doctor gave the family the bad news. All Daria could recall were the words "Cancer," "VERY aggressive," "Begin treatments NOW!" and "Chicago hospital." (Part 2) (LAST CALL NEWESTER! Part 3) [Part of the "Season in Hell" series]
- Unnamed story, by Chris Tucker (COMPLETE!): The two women watched the amazing images on the TV. "You know, we can say we knew her 20 years ago, when she was just another high school student."

The fanfic tsunami just keeps on comin'.
It is after 9 p.m., and all stories written from this point on go to the next day's blog post. Whew.
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