It was a year ago today that the future release of the Daria DVD set was finally announced. And there was great rejoicing.
- Delete the Press, by Dennis (COMPLETE!): "Representative Landon, is there any truth to the rumor that you're considering a run for Senate in the near future?" "I can safely say I'm not considering a run this year. As far as the future, it would be irresponsible of me to speculate. Right now, I'm focusing on doing the best job I can for my constituents." "So you're not ruling out a Senate run in 2012?" "As I said, it's far too early to rule anything in or out for 2012. I'm not thinking about the Senate at all. I'm thinking about the job I was elected to do in the House of Representatives." "But wouldn't it be a good time for you to run? After all, your profile has never been higher." "Are you talking about the DVDs from that stupid reality show I was forced to take part in as a teenager?"
- Daria/Dorian, by LadieT (COMPLETE!): A couple of minutes later, Kevin and Brittany walked in along with Jodie and Mack. Brittany looked over at him and waved. Jodie and Mack grinned as they sat down in front of Jane and Dorian. A few moments later, the bell rang. Mr. DeMartino closed the door and made his way to the front of his desk. "Class, we have a NEW STUDENT here today. Dorian Morgendorffer. Dorian, raise your right hand." Great... welcome to Lawndale Hell all over again. Dorian reluctantly raised his right hand. "Well, Dorian, as long as you have your hand raised. Before our break last week, we were discussing the Amendments of the US Constitution. Perhaps you think its UNFAIR to be asked a question on your first day of class." "Excuse me?" Deja vu. Dorian waited for the question. (FF.net)
- First Born, by RLobinske (Part 2): Hearing the warning, Jane slowed her minivan down to just below the speed limit to avoid unwanted attention. Not that the brightly colored van didn't attract attention with the large "Three Art Chicks" logo painted on each side. Except for her hair worn longer and in a single ponytail, she was little different from her college days. Even the mischievous glint remained in her blue eyes. "Just the radar detector," she said into the miniature headset fitted to her right ear. "Karen warned me about the small towns around here and I'm taking her at her word."
- Raft College: The First Year, by rglovejoy (Part 13): "Hey," she said softly as she approached him. Sam merely smiled back—at least now he could recognize her. "So, where are we going?" "We are meeting at a Chinese restaurant on Massachusetts Avenue, near the campus. It is called Mary Chung's. I have eaten there before, the food there is very good. Do you like Chinese food?" "Yeah, I guess so." Daria sort of liked the stuff, but after that weird dream she had of meeting holidays and traveling to Holiday Island via the Good Times Chinese Restaurant, she had a few misgivings. "You'll have to tell me what to order, though."
- Sleepwalker, by Jim North (continued): As soon as she was sure all of her roommates were asleep, Brittany poked her head out the door and scanned the area with the eyes of a hawk. A nighthawk. That could see well at night. Confident that her movements would be unobserved, she slid out and locked the door behind her. With careful tip-toe steps and a continued alertness, she made her way to the corner of the building. Only a few doors separated her room and that corner, but her insistence on a high level of stealthiness made the journey stretch out over several minutes. She made not a sound, not a whisper, not a—
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: Daria and Jane pregnant at the same time), by Minx (COMPLETE!): Daria set a weary gaze upon her family, the time had come. It was now or never. Oh how she wished never was a possibility. Unfortunately, time had run out she only had another three, maybe four weeks and it would be obvious. Daria inhaled deeply and turned to her bemused parents, "Mom, Dad..." her gaze dropped to the ground, unable to look them in the eyes, "I'm pregnant."
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