- pioneer aviator Amelia Earhart (Quinn at left)
- Congressman and feminist Bella Abzug (Daria at right... anyone remember the ERA?)
- South American freedom-fighter Simón Bolívar
- writer Zelda Fitzgerald (mentioned by Daria in "Depth Takes a Holiday")
- fantasy writer Lord Dunsany, who has had an immense impact on fantasy writing and writers to the present day
- Warner Brothers cartoon icon Marvin the Martian
- and Cape Canaveral, the USA's most important spaceport.
More soon. Stay tooned.
- Daria/Dorian 5: Mountain of Truth, by LadieT (Part 4): "What's wrong?" Jane asked. "We need to get moving and fast if we want to get to camp before the weather gets bad." Ms. Li turned to Dorian. "Don't worry, we'll reach base camp soon as long as there are no more surprises." That was when Dorian felt the first few flakes of snow fall on his face.
Quinn's looking hot, in a "G-8 and his Battle Aces" sort of way.
Thanks again to Pinhead for the alter egos!
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