Charles RB offers up a new Iron Chef: Jane is Daria's imaginary friend. Ooooo...
NEW! RLobinske has updated the 2010 Big List o' Daria Visual Fanworks! Great works on display to the world! Hooray!
- Apocalyptic Daria: Scarlett's Tale, by Doggieboy (Part 19): Scarlett didn’t know what time it was when she finally woke up. She laid still as she oriented herself to the darkened teacher’s office that was now their room. Roger's right arm was draped over her right side and his thumb was hooked into her panty waistband. My shirt must have rode up, she thought as she chuckled, or he made it ride up. Dirty boy. She smiled and carefully pulled his hand free. I wonder what the schedule is for the showers here.
- The Continuing Adventures of an ANGRY!!! Young Man, by Charles RB (Part 3): In military school, they’d taught him how to survive against all odds. On the football field, he’d learned how to endure great pain. As a high school student, he’d had to put up with lots of idiots. All of his skill and learning would be pushed to the test once more. It was time for History class with Mr. Thompson.
- Daria/Dorian 4: Partner's Compromise, by LadieT (COMPLETE!): "...and, in conclusion, this project taught us many valuable lessons about financial transactions in the real world." Mack looked around the room. "Yeah," Kevin said, "like never leave a cash down payment." Kevin burst into tears. "Oh gosh, don't let them see me like this." The next thing anyone knew, Kevin was running out of the room. Mack watched in confusion as Kevin left. "Umm... thank you very much." Mrs. Bennett took a quick glance at her door before allowing Mack to sit down. Jodie gave him a sympathetic pat on the back. He just sat and shook his head. "Now Dorian and Jane will talk about budgeting a wedding."
- Finn Morgendorffer 53: Purely Magnetic, by HolyGrail2007 (Parts 2 and 3): “I’m just getting ready for Prom right now.” Finn returned, carefully steering the conversation. “Really? I’ve already got my dress picked out,” Stacy gushed. “Please say I can show you. Ohmigod, it’s totally great. Kyle totally thought so too, it’s going to match him perfectly!” “Kyle? Kyle Stentson, the junior on the soccer team?” “Yeah, he asked me, offered to buy my ticket...” “How does a guy who can’t even go somewhere ask you on a date?” “Finn, is there something about Kyle I should know?” Stacy asked innocently. (Part 3 here)
- First Born, by RLobinske (Part 6): "Good afternoon," Derek told the crowd. "Here's your chance to share your stories about friends and loved ones that served their country and are no longer with us. My thoughts are with everyone who ever served in the 21st Infantry Regiment, Massachusetts National Guard. From it's inception as the 21st Massachusetts Volunteers in 1862 to those currently on station in Iraq. All of you are by buddies." He stepped back and motioned to Daria to step forward. She crossed the stage and had to pull the microphone down to be heard. "I'm thinking about my grandfather, Nathan Morgendorffer. He was a Marine in the Korean War that landed at Inchon and was later wounded at Chosin. He was... he was never the same afterward."
- Grove Hell 2: All the Lawndale People, by Charles RB (part 1): Grove Hills had, in the frightened tones of people who are expecting lawsuits or (worse) bad press, informed the Morgendorffers’ that Daria had “run away” with a strange crew. So when Daria turned up at their house the next morning in the company of different strangers and with a dirt-covered skirt, Helen had screamed her head off. After she found out Daria had just gone to a concert, Helen just screamed. A lot. “I can’t BELIEVE you, young lady, this is COMPLETELY unacceptable you’ve put ME down, you’ve let your FATHER down and worst of all you’ve let YOURSELF down, you’re going straight back to Grove Hills—” “Hur hur hur, she said we’ve gone down on someone. Heh heh heh heh!” (FF.net)
- The Hallowed Halls of Fielding, by Roentgen (Part 44): "Hi," said the stranger. "Megan Eastman." "Kiki Morgendorffer," Quinn said. "Morgendorffer?" Eastman asked. "Are you related to Daria Morgendorffer?" "Oh... no. No, it's entirely a coincidence. I'm an only child." "Well... good," said Megan, not entirely convinced.
- Judith Strikes! Educator DeMartino in "Malled!" by Charles RB (COMPLETE!): 1997! The rise of youth crime has forced teachers and the police to be merged into one… Only hard men can keep discipline! Hard men like EDUCATOR DEMARTINO! (Daria/Judge Dredd)
- Judith Strikes! Mack Dynamite vs. the Crimson Phantom, by Erin M. (Part 3): Mack Dynamite's eyes flashed open and he rolled out of bed just as the katana came swinging down and embedded itself in his mattress. He got to his feet, moving automatically into a fighting stance. Across the bedroom, Judith stood at the foot of his bed, arms folded, a smirk on the visible portion of her face. "Nice reflexes," she said.
- Raft College: The First Year, by rglovejoy (Part 17): "I was thinking we should concentrate around the Fenway or Kenmore Square. But... check this out, Jane. The Orange Line goes right near your school too. It stops at a station called 'Ruggles'." "You know, Daria, we could live anywhere we want. My dad says that the North End is really nice and they have fantastic Italian food." "Really?" Daria did a search for apartments there. "There are some good deals there." She went onto Wikipedia for more information on the North End. "Oh cool! Take a look at this, Jane. The North End was where the Great Molasses Disaster happened." "Molasses Disaster?"
- Unnamed story (Behind the scenes in a Daria fanfic), by Charles RB (COMPLETE!): Jane eased the gag out of Tom's mouth. "Yeah, sorry about this, but..."
- Unnamed story (Behind the scenes in a Daria fanfic), by Chris Tucker (COMPLETE!): Stacy was beside herself with happiness. Micky, her very favorite uncle, was coming to Lawndale to film a segment for his cable TV series, Appallingly Filthy Working Conditions! on the Discovery Channel....
- Unnamed story (Behind the scenes in a Daria fanfic), by rglovejoy (COMPLETE!): After high school, Sandi moved out to California and moved in with her flamboyantly redheaded Aunt Kathy...
- Unnamed story (Behind the scenes in a Daria fanfic), by rglovejoy (COMPLETE!): Daria and Jane sat in the cheap plastic chairs, waiting. Jane passed the time playing computer solitaire while Daria flipped through this week's issue of the Economist. Jane's computer beeped.
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: Jane is Daria's imaginary friend), by Minx (COMPLETE!): "Now answer me," said Daria to Jane, "why do people think that I'm you?"
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: Jane is Daria's imaginary friend), by Roxanne M (COMPLETE!): Artie was hunched in front of his computer screen. An odd assortment of lights were blinking on the display. "You wanted to see me, Artie?" He flinched and turned. "Claudia, I wish you would stop sneaking up on me." (Daria/Warehouse 13)
- Unnamed story (Raft College: The First Year), by rglovejoy (COMPLETE!): "Hey Daria, I wanna make these ginger cookies for Christmas, and we're all out of molasses. Could you pick some up when you go to the store?"

Thanks to Pinhead for the big alter ego!
Finished the fanfic list at 1:30 a.m., but wait for the rest of it to appear. Whoa.
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