As Jodie Landon reminds us, 41 years ago
the Eagle landed on the Moon. As Daria and Jane remind us, "
See Jane Run" premiered on MTV 12 years ago. An important day in history, indeed. Today turns out to be critically important
in one fanfic, as you will see. Yesterday will be an important day 17 years in the future according to
another fanfic, as you will see.
The best part of "See Jane Run" was, of course, seeing Jane. Our Heroine (Jane) was magnificent, but her sidekick Daria was a wet blanket with her constant whining and acting sorry for herself and complaining about Jane doing something great. What heights could Jane have achieved had Daria not been such a pain in the butt? Alas, we will never know.

However, to commemorate the anniversary of "See Jane Run," you can download
a PC screensaver that shows Jane running, saved from an MTV website by the WayBack Machine at Archive.org. Click on the link (an .exe file), save it, run it, be amazed. I adore this. The file (called "Run, Jane, Run" as a screensaver) was posted online about 10 years ago and works perfectly, with sun and moon and stars and everything! Jane sure can run a long time.
Moar l8r.
Thanks to Pinhead for Jodie's image!
On the 40th anniversary of the moon landing, the Guardian newspaper reprinted their front page from 40 years ago. One sidebar mentions Russians flocking to the US embassy to congratulate them, another states "it is unknown if the Chinese government will inform China that man has landed on the moon".
- Charles RB
I must confess that I am SUCH a geek, that I think Jodie in the Lunar EVA suit is really HOT.
Yeah. The alter of Jodie in the belly dancer costume is cute. Jodie as astronaut? Teh Hawt!
The best part about the Jane running screensaver is that she's constantly running toward me.
The best part about the Jane running screensaver is that she's constantly running toward me.
That's an optical illusion. She's clearly running toward ME.
I image a similar Daria screensaver would be Daria reading a book.
Periodically she'd take a bite of pizza and a drink of soda.
Yes, it's nonstop action at Stately Morgendorffer McMansion.
Really, English IS my first language!
That's an optical illusion. She's clearly running toward ME.
That's not true! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!!!
Jane is mine. Allllllllllllllll mine.
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