Fandom News!
- Kara Wild is looking for feedback regarding a Daria forum.
- Outpost Daria has been updated! Check out the new stuff!
- Reese Kaine is asking for ideas on how to make the chat more exciting.
- One possible way that Quinn Morgendorffer's foray into online dating could turn out.
- Stripey would like some help picking books for a writing class.
- What are your thoughts and opinions regarding HD TVs and DVDs?
- The list of 2011 Finished Daria Fanfiction has been updated. Thanks, TheExcellentS!
I've been updating it every other day for the last 7 months and you've only just noticed now?
I'm not upset. Hell, I find it funny more than anything.
Well, if you'd bump the darn thing from time to time, then maybe I'd notice it more often! ;)
My bad. I just really didn't want to clog up the pages with endless "Updated for ..." posts.
But at least I racked up another shoutout on the blog! :D
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