New Fanfic!
- Daria, or the Confession of a Single Lonely Male, by Arena del Sur: "I walked up all way to the house and knocked on the door. How concrete, how categorical that knock sounded in the void of the sunny day! I pressed the bell button, it vibrated through my nervous system. Then I heard hurry footsteps that stopped suddenly, and door gets open with a dry smoothness. Couple of inches taller. Black-rimmed glasses. The same auburn bangs, no earrings. How simple seems everything! The moment, the death I had kept conjuring up for almost three years was as simple as a bit of dry wood."
- Daria Unscripted, by Smijey (parts 1 and 2): "'Perhaps you feel it's UNFAIR to be asked a question on your first day of class,' Mr. DeMartino sneered. 'I feel it's unfair to be stuck in a goddamn time loop where the whole goddamn world except me acting like a goddamned robot, every one of their actions being a result of a pre-programmed script.'" (Part 2)
- My Weekly Report on a Particularly Interesting World Leader in the News, or—Rejoice—The United States Has Not Yet Cornered the Market on Deranged Nitwits, by The Angst Guy (COMPLETE!): "There is a joke circulating in the Russian Federation that President Vladimir Putin is spending billions of roubles on a secret project to create a time machine, with which he can go back to the middle of the 19th century and convince Tsar Alexander II to go ahead and sell Alaska to the United States, no matter how much gold was just found there."
- A New Set of Rules, by Dennis (part 21): "Downstairs she was greeted by a serious-looking Kevin with a bouquet of flowers. Before he could even offer then to her, she froze him with a steely glare. 'Out with it,' she said. 'What?' he said, affecting his most ingenuous look. 'You show up not smiling, with flowers, when you know we're moving out tomorrow. Something's up, and the sooner you tell me what it is, the sooner I can decide how mad to be.' Somewhere deep, her insides writhed, but she ignored them."
- Questions Asked Questions Answered & Pizza w/ Jane Ch 5, by Lord Yellowtail (part 2): "'Utonium-Schneider residence. This is Bubbles.' Immediately, she heard heavy, shaky breathing on the other end of the line. She felt herself tense in concern, and Robin must’ve, too. Bubbles heard her hook one arm under her legs and push the other into the mattress and scoot around the bed, coming to sit by her side. 'B-Bubbles?'"
- Remembrance, by HolyGrail2007 (part 17): "'Agent Davies, if I may, you’re very interested in Andrea, and I can tell you she had nothing to do with poor Stacy. Andrea had a poetry reading that night, there’s a dozen witnesses who can tell you...' 'I’m sorry, Charles, but she’s dead.' Kim interrupted. Charles quivered a little bit, as if he was a still pond someone threw a pebble in. 'You...' Charles spoke, but it was probably just to hear himself speak. 'We wouldn’t joke about this.' Sheriff Maverick responded. Upchuck put the bottle of Jack down he was holding, and placed his hands on the bar as if bracing himself."
- Rude Awakening Ep.8: Three Yards and a Cloud of Dust, by DIsaac (part 8): "STACY: Hey, Trent. TRENT: Hi Stacy. STACY: Trent, If I let Daria speak anymore we won't get anywhere. Here's what's up – Daria is afraid that if she really get going and starts talking to you - she is going to screw you sideways and horizontally as well. TRENT: (laughing then Coughing ) You always have that gift of getting to the point."
- A Sad Melody, by thatLONERchick (COMPLETE!): "They had been her mother's glasses, and now sat unused forthree years collecting dust on her bookshelf in between these increasingly infrequent moments of reverie. The waning afternoon light hit the left lense and refracted, throwing rainbows on the wall beside her. Sighing, she lowered the frames until they rested on her nose and closed her eyes."

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