Jane: Why, Daria, are you becoming an optimist?
Daria: Hmm...I'm not sure. Hold up your glass. Nope. Still half-empty.
Jane: Guess it was just a phase.
Today is also National Peanut Day, so munch a bunch of your nutty friend's lunch but watch out for those squirrels at the bus stop. Trent's still craving that peanut brittle, so if you see any, do pass it along.
Fanfic Update!
- The Author as a Lesbian , by DeacBlue (part 6): "As her feet steadied, a smoke-roughened voice from ahead said, 'I hope you don't mind, but usually I get a room for meetings like that.' Daria blushed slightly. 'Sorry about that. I was hit by the great bull Kevin-Thompson.' She brushed the blonde girl's shoulders off. 'I'm Daria Morgendorffer, and you're..that's right, Jennifer, um, Burns?'"
- Bump in the Night, by Smijey (part 2): "Daria's first kill in Lawndale was a jogger she picked at random. She simply waited until one foggy morning, went out for a long walk, and tore the arms off the first person she spotted. In retrospect, this was not the best of plans, and demonstrated to her that Lawndale was incredibly different from Highland in more ways than she had initially imagined."
- Daria Unscripted, by Smijey (part 3): "Jane gaped in horror as she watched Daria enter the room on the other side of the glass, a sledgehammer slung over one shoulder."
- God Save The Esteem 35: I Don't Like Any Day, by Charles RB (parts 1 and 2): "The teacher sped back the way she’d came, and the next day O’Neill proposed a school-run coffee house in town where all students could hang out and encouraged everyone to volunteer raising money. Nobody did (that’d involve work) but the damage had been done: Onepu had learned she could influence O’Neill. And that led to a day that would live in infamy as really, really sucking." (Part 2)
- The James Lane Chronicles Chapter 6, by InvisibleDan (part 8): "'Miss Morgendorffer.... Miss Morgendorffer...' Reinhardt cupped his hands in front of his face to make an improvised megaphone and yelled at her. 'Yes?' 'I need you to get out the goldfish costume. Today you'll be wearing it so you can welcome the kids.' Goldfish costume? Huh?"
- Letting Go (Iron Chef: Crazy Pairing Story!), by RX-87 (COMPLETE!): "The hurting hadn't stopped since Maryland. Writing My Day With D was supposed to be cathartic, or maybe reassuring. Some of that good stuff. She wrote about what a miserable person that girl was, so full of negativity, incapable of being happy, gaining satisfaction only by making others feel as low as her. What she couldn't bear to write, and what haunted her night and day since their fateful encounter was that Daria was right." (Part 2) (Epilogue)
- Mission Unfashionable, by JPAGC (prologue): "The red hair woman nodded, closed and locked the dressing room door. She than examined the small room: strangely, and in contrast to other dressing rooms she had been in, the walls went straight up to the ceiling and she could not hear anything from the store. Two stuffed chairs adorned the place. She suspended the clothes on a hook and examined the mirror. A quick observation and few pressing allowed the mirror to open, revealing behind it was a small alcove with a safe. She dialed the code into the digital lock and opened the safe’s door, retrieving small tape recorder and a large envelope from inside. She sat down, placed them on the other chair, opened the envelope and started the tape...."
- Promises Kept, by RLobinske (parts 1 and 2): "'You don't have to go,' Daria said. 'Nobody is holding a gun to your head.' 'They might as well be,' Jodie said. 'The sad reality is that Mack and I are stuck. Completely stuck. We're begging you for some moral, immoral or amoral support.' 'We don't care which,' Mack said. John said, 'We already have plans.' He glanced at Daria. 'We made them a year ago.'" (Part 2)
- Rude Awakening Ep.8: Three Yards and a Cloud of Dust, by DIsaac (COMPLETE!): "JODIE: This is strange for me. I usually come with all that I need to know, but this is just some strange territory for me. ALISON: Don't say I turned you straight. JODIE: No you didn't. It’s just that you made a point last night and it hit too close to home for me. ALISON: What could that be? Because Jose was talking and not Ali. JODIE: You aren't just some one night stand."
- Star Trek: An Epic of Linneaic Proportions, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 1): "'Ms. Allenby, an opportunity has come up. This is a great opportunity for a promising young Zoologist such as yourself. A research position has come up at the University of New Victoria on the planet of New Victoria, they are desperate for a qualified zoologist to assist in the beginning of cataloguing of the animals of the planet,' her supervisor and head of the UNA Zoology Department, Sirok said."
- Trix of the Trade, by Kristen Bealer (part 2): "No wonder Quinn's still asleep, she mused. She must have gotten up in the middle of the night to draw more pictures. When she looked more closely at the drawing, though, she realized that it looked nothing like the childlike scrawls Quinn normally did. The proportions looked accurate--or at least accurate for a large humanoid rabbit, the details were expertly crafted, and the shading was done so well the picture almost looked three-dimensional. There's no way Quinn drew that. Mom or Dad must have. But why?"
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: A Constrained Tale), by JoeMerl (COMPLETE!): "Quinn leaned over the railing around the newest exhibit. 'What is that?' she asked, in the same awed, annoying way she asked at every new animal pen. Daria gazed indifferently into the large pit; a few rhinoceroses were grazing, looking as bored as she was. 'It's a unicorn,' Daria drolled."
- Young Love (Iron Chef: Crazy Pairing Story!), by RX-87 (COMPLETE!): "Today the underage drinkers, smokers were otherwise occupied, and so it was that as Tricia went to grab a weathered copy of Oedipus Rex from the shelf nearest the emergency door, its red FOR EMERGENCIES ONLY sign faded to the color of a week old scab, found herself pulled behind said door with a boxblade at her throat. 'Keep quiet. Scream and you die.' the boy's perpetually screaming voice was no less nakedly aggressive for all his efforts to lower it."

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