Speaking of Young Daria, today is also the 11th anniversary of the original airing of "Boxing Daria," in which we get an enlightening view of Daria's childhood. I, for one, will never see a refrigerator box in quite the same way again.
Fanfic Update!
- Armored Cynic Daria, Episode 2: The 8th Circuit, by RX-87 (part 4): "NICK: Is there a point to all this or did you just come to chew us out? TRENT: Yeah. We don't need to get bitched at just 'cause something didn't go our way. The important thing is what we're gonna do next. Where do we stand with our orders? WIND: Fine. You're to stay in the colony until further notice."
- Blessings of the Moon -- Chapter 8, by Fhujeth_x (part 1): "Looking away the older Rowe grimaced, 'Right... and I know that's what my parents are thinking, so we have to save her before they decide to do what their instincts tell them... come on, we'll head over to my mom's friend's house and see if she has any information about how to help Stacy!'"
- Compagnons (Scenes no Daria Fanfic should ever have-Now Springtime Fresh), by Shiva (COMPLETE!): "'So what are you going to do with all that bribe money Compagnon?' Jodie asked while she walked the halls of Lawndale with her best friend, Quinn Morgendorffer. Quinn glanced at Jodie in her usual attire of a green coat, an orange top underneath, black jeans and leggings, boots, and her three silver earrings in each ear, and replied in her usual monotone, 'Well I was planning on buying a couple new guitars.'"
- Daria is Raven's Apprentice, by project pegasus: "Hieronymus Q. Cashman: I would be remiss should I not know the activities of my own employees. Raven: Then you should have known that a good many of them would be murdered. Hieronymus Q. Cashman: Your belief in my omniscience is flattering. Raven: God damn it, this is life and death!"
- Daria's Stash, by Smijey (COMPLETE!): "'Girls, I just want you to know your mother and I realize it's not easy moving to a whole new town...' Jake looked in the rear-view mirror at his eldest daughter sitting in the backseat, and winced. 'Especially for you, Daria, right?' 'Hah,' Daria scoffed. 'I find it easy to make friends. I can't help it if they don't make friends with...all of me.'"
- Ethan Yeager in Lawndale: Ch 8 Negotiable Education, by Shiva (part 6): "'I’m going to do it tonight,' Rex said very flatly, 'I’m going to tell them and then... I’ll probably need a place to crash.' 'Ok, I think Rex just used up the bombshell quota for the day.' was Josh’s first rational thought on the matter. Out loud however he managed to say something more relevant. 'Wow... You sure man?'"
- God Save the Esteem 42: Combat Rock, by Charles RB (part 4): "Tom had been in the garage when he got the text, but he didn’t understand why. Not until a minute later, when he walked out and saw the police breaking into his house. Very quietly, Tom went back into the garage and into his Bentley, and drove out very fast. They’re really hardline about torrenting, he thought, scared."
- The Hearts Within, by neonhomer (parts 1 - 3): "'When will she be back?' asked Stacy. 'Don’t know. She went to the mall with her mother.' I said. 'Oh. Okay.' Said Stacy. She hung her head down, and turned away. 'I guess I will find someone else to talk to.' I was just about to shut the door when I heard what she said, and saw the tear hit the concrete. Damn it. 'Stacy? Are you okay?'" (Part 2) (Part 3)
- Little Green Cap, by peetz5050 (part 3): "'And why did you kind of get sent home, may I ask?' 'Well I...please stay calm Dad she totally deserved it after what she said.' 'Who and what?' Jane asked, curious. 'Sandi.' Quinn shrugged. 'Aaannd?' 'Well I may have broken her nose... a bit.'"
- Mirror, Mirror (Iron Chef: Funhouse Mirror Time (AU Crossovers with Canon)), by peetz5050 (COMPLETE!): "She started to push back from the table and was on the point of running out of the room when the... the... the... vortex expanded impossibly out of the mirror and filled the whole wall of her room. Daria stared at it wild-eyed for a second before gravity flipped through ninety degrees and she fell into what was now a gaping abyss."
- Operation Glitterberries, by BF110C4 (part 18): "The only things that she found other than clothes, fashion magazines and a couple of agendas so full that each one only had half of the alphabet, was a laptop computer and this time she didn’t even checked it, she just took it and its carrycase, this was a both a source of information and a tool, and right now both were equally important to her. The only other thing she found was an old photo hidden in the bottom of the drawer where the girl was nine or ten years old and she was hugging a slightly older and clearly annoyed girl with glasses. "
- Quinn's Code Story 6: The Lab Mouse, The Geek and the Convention, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 9): "'Now. I'll give you a deal...' Daria began. Brittany interupted. 'What sort of deal?' Daria shot back. '...You give me the mouse back, and you can have Kevin back.' She paused. 'If we go to your house now.' 'Upchuck might be there!' 'That would be the least of your worries,' Daria said as she gave a disconcerting smile."
- Revenge Fantasies, by Charles RB (COMPLETE!): "Fear shot through Daria and she tried to hide her papers, but too late – Sandy had grabbed them away. Her friends tittered at it, all bar Kimberly, who gently said 'now come on, Sans, leave her alone' but nothing beyond that. She never did anything beyond that."
- A Talk with Myself (Iron Chef: Funhouse Mirror Time (AU Crossovers with Canon)), by DeacBlue (COMPLETE!): "She looked up, then stopped in her tracks. 'No way,' she said in a voice just above a whisper. 'Yes, way,' her own voice, coming from her own face, replied. 'If you want to hear the story, let's start running.' Jane shrugged her shoulders and followed herself."
- Unexpected Hookup: First Taste, by Shiva (part 7): "Ronnie grumbled while getting up to get the door while Daria tried to crawl into herself to hide from the embarrassment. Once he opened it, Pia couldn’t resist teasing them a bit before adding, 'Oh Mom and Dad want you down for dinner in five, and since I accidently told them Daria was here, she’s invited too.' Then with an even bigger grin at her brother’s impotent anger at the situation, Pia strolled away."
- Unnamed story (Scenes That Could Be - The Non-Daria Edition), by Greystar (COMPLETE!): "There were the usual checks in place to keep the human race from overrunning the solar system like a hoard of ants. Disease was obviously one of them, the more that science seemed to defeat, the more new strains seemed to pop up. War and violence were present as well. Humanity just couldn’t seem to outgrow them. But, finally two things happened that changed the prospects of the human race."
- Vivian, by ST91 (part 5): "'Your father will fix everything.' Ashley said with a smile. Brittany smiled too. 'You're right. He said he would sent her away ... and he always keeps his promises.' 'That's right sweetie, so what do you want to do? A little shopping?' 'No. I don't want to buy anything. I want to shoot.'"

1 comment:
Happy Birthday Eric Blair. 109 suits you. :P
And happy birthday to my mom. She's not 109 though.
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