Fanfic Update!
- Abattoir Blues (1): The Hitman and Her, by LongSnakeMoan (part 6): "He holds out his hand to Anthony, who ignores it and beckons him over to a corner of the lobby, away from the doors and the elevators. We walk over to the mailboxes in the corner. Ross hands over a photo to Anthony of the mark. Well, whaddya know. He's just a plain old Average Joe. Brown hair, brown eyes, check shirt, no scars or marks. So much for my hopes they all look like creeps like Ross. Oh well."
- Blessings of the Moon -- Chapter 7, by Fhujeth_x (COMPLETE!): "'Of the Moon...' Stacy spoke near monotone as she dragged the shovel across the soft soil of the garden, 'For blessings to be given... Parent, soul, of spirituality in name.' The words made no sense but she continued to repeat them, over and over again as she carved through the dirt."
- Ethan Yeager in Lawndale: Ch 8 Negotiable Education, by Shiva (part 2): "Gibson then got down to some business and had some volunteers hand out the schedules for the tutoring, the sessions would last for an hour and a half and would happen for over two weeks, one tutor would be assigned to a group and would cover the various required subjects. Ethan’s group as it turned out would be the guys off the Track team mixed in with some football players."
- God Save the Esteem 42: Combat Rock, by Charles RB (part 2): "'A dam burst and we can’t stop it,' said Erin. 'Sorry to love you and leave you, Kelly, but we need to get to Ashfield across state,' said Amy. 'There’s been a thing.' 'Not for much longer,' said Daria, calm and peaceful as long as you didn’t look into her eyes."
- The Hunter Home from the Hill, by DeacBlue (part 7): "Daria blushed slightly. 'Mom, I don't think that that would be a good idea.' She looked down. 'We were talking the other day, and she said that she hadn't seen her parents in six months - and that it took what you've been paying her to keep the house out of foreclosure.' She looked into her mother's eyes. 'Mom-my? Could we use part of my reward to help her stay in her house?' Helen looked into the trusting eyes of her daughter. 'Oh, hell,' she muttered into Daria's hair as she hugged her."
- Just Another Teacher Crush, by BrownEyedBagel (COMPLETE!): "Well...I normally keep my urges bottles up...today I made an exception. Mr. DeMartino is usually perceived as an angry old man. On the outside he looks about as cuddly as a pissed off porcupine with a grenade. That’s how everyone else sees him anyway. I see a beacon of masculine force."
- Lawndale and Sandi Griffin’s Genie (Chapter 7), by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 4): "'Yes, we need to find it by Monday morning,' Jeremy said. 'Why? What will happen on Monday morning?' Joanna asked. 'You don’t need to know,' Hannah said as she locked the car. 'I think we do,' Jess said. Jeremy merely uttered 'Distortion.' 'Huh?' Josiah asked. 'Think about it,' Jeremy said."
- Operation Glitterberries, by BF110C4 (part 16): "'Quinn, did you say something?' It was her mother, and she didn’t sound as if she was about to bolt any second now. Maybe she didn’t was in a party, maybe she was sick. '...ater' 'Just a second honey...' Her next words were louder, loud enough for her headache to flare, 'nurse, she’s awake, have the doctor here now! And bring some water.'"
- Return to Highland, by neonhomer (parts 8 and 9): "Not much was said between the group, except the occasional 'Not bad.' or 'It’s not killing me yet.' They were so busy eating, they didn’t notice the man walk up to their table. 'Daria? Daria Morgendorffer?' 'Who’s ask....' Started Daria as she looked up, and instantly recognized the man standing before her. 'Stewart Stevenson.'" (Part 9)
- Sexy Daria: Sex and the Mall, by Shiva (part 4): "Daria felt her smile turn dark as the executives of the Mall of Millennium went into spin mode, trying to dig their way out of pulling a secret focus-group on teenagers without paying. 'Time to extort them for cash.' Daria thought as she, and oddly enough Jodie and Mack went to town on them. They didn’t stand a chance."
- A Small White Stick, by JPAGC (part 1): "Walking on the driveway as quickly as possible to the trash bins, she thought for the umpteenth time of some kind of tray to transport the bags. It would be much more practical and more sanitary. Just a few more steps... The bag was really heavy. She quickened the pace when she felt the plastic giving way... ...And the bag, overweight, ripped itself, spilling its dirty contents on the driveway."
- Something Something Slam , by TheExcellentS (part 3): "O'Neill: 'Moving on, as we just heard from Claire Defoe, the LFC Women's Tag Team Championship is on the line as The Dames Of Darkness, Andrea Hecuba-Thorne and Scarlett LeFaye, take on No. 1 Contenders from Esteemster Series, Ruby Montag and Winona Polizzi of A-List Incorporated.' Barch: 'This should be a classic battle. Ruby and Winona have a much more refined wrestling style than Andrea and Scarlett, but there are very few people in the women's division that can match the Dames in terms of the power game.'"
- Tom Plays Nurse Goodnsexy (Scenes no Daria Fanfic should ever have-Now Springtime Fresh), by Shiva (COMPLETE!): "'Don't worry Trent,' Jane cooed sweetly to her brother as he lay in his bed, sicker than a dog, 'I've got you the best medical help I could.'"
- Unexpected Hookup: First Taste, by Shiva (parts 1 - 3): "Daria had done something she hardly ever did for anyone that night, she had dropped her anti-social mask ever so slightly and had discovered a person who actually liked what he saw behind it. 'She’s got so much depth,' Ronnie thought to himself once more about their time at Pizza Prince, 'And ye God is she smart, she puts all the other smart students to freaking shame!'" (Part 2) (Part 3)
- Unnamed story (IC: Awkward/WTF Endings), by Shiva (COMPLETE!): "Timothy O'Neill woke up the next day feeling great, he rolled over in his bed and caressed his new found lover and whispered to him, 'It's so nice of Janet to have died in that "car accident" last night, isn't it sweety?'"
- Unnamed story (IC : Daria and the School of Magic), by Waylander (parts 1 and 2): "Chaplain Timothy O’Neill paced back and forth in Principal’s office, gathering the courage to speak. Five pairs of eyes watched him with a mix of impatience and boredom. 'I had the liberty to go through the files of our potential recruits. What I’ve learned is really disturbing. One of the newborn mages in Texas, she is... Well, it seems that the situation is more complicated than usual.'" (Part 2)
- Unnamed story (Scenes no Daria Fanfic should ever have-Now Springtime Fresh), by BrownEyedBagel (COMPLETE!): "Daria:" My name is Daria; and I will be the focus of this fanfic. Before we begin I just want to clear up that there will be no sexual or otherwise crude humor in this story....'"
- Unnamed story (Scenes no Daria Fanfic should ever have-Now Springtime Fresh), by Vukodlak (COMPLETE!): "Daria opened her front door early in the morning and groaned when she saw Cupid and Saint Pattrick waiting. 'Whatever you want I don't care, I'm graduating soon so your threats of making my parents lovely dovey won't work on me."
- When In Doubt (Scenes no Daria Fanfic should ever have-Now Springtime Fresh), by thatLONERchick (COMPLETE!): "A penlight held in her mouth provided the only illumination, and Quinn worked quickly, going through drawers in search of her prize. Working from the bottom, she searched the dresser drawers until finally, she pulled something from the top drawer with an internal crow of triumph."

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