It's National Chocolate Ice Cream Day! This sounds like a winning holiday for everyone...except Mack, who's stuck in the ice cream truck wearing one of those little hats and ringing that bell that goes ding-a-ling-a-ling-a-ling...a-ling!
Fanfic Update!
- Abattoir Blues (1): The Hitman and Her, by LongSnakeMoan (part 5): "'The guy on the phone was Al Caruso. Me and him go back longer than I care to remember and he calls me from time to time with a few jobs, nothing too bad normally and I thought one of his is probably the best one to show for demonstration purposes. He's also a very useful guy for you to know. If he hasn't got work, he knows someone who will. You're coming with me so you see what goes down on a hit.'"
- Apathymorphs: The Invasion, by JoeMerl (part 6): "My head was swimming. This was too much—my brother and half of the kids from school were Controllers, they were talking about killing us mere yards away from me, and Sandi, in all her hyped-up Valley Girl glory, was bossing around the school principal. Suddenly being a cat seemed downright normal."
- Blessings of the Moon -- Chapter 7, by Fhujeth_x (part 2): "'I'm not sure what to do, Tom.' Susie talked into her phone quietly, hoping not to wake anyone else up in the house, 'Since that girl Stacy knows scratched her, Stacy's power has been unlocked and I...' 'Again?' Tom's response came subtly, 'This happened before?'
- Characters as Their Tropes, by Shiva (part 1): "'Daria!' HelenTrope MorgendorfferTrope said after telling her EricTrope to wait a minute, 'Have you seen your sister?' DariaTrope MorgendorfferTrope was watching television and had been doing so for the last 27 hours since she was still stuck in Autistic Trope. HelenTrope sighed and was forced wait until another fanfic writer chose to use a different Trope, this time Daria's Trope was CanonDaria, so not only could she talk, she was going to be easy to talk too."
- Dylan, by J-D (part 5a): "When Dylan had objected to the whole idea of the field trip, the only person to give him support was Rod (he had learned Paper-Pellet Boy’s name from hearing teachers use it). Dylan had been pleased (to get any support) as well as suspicious. That didn’t matter now, though. Bent had put the question to a class vote and two votes against could not stop the field trip."
- Ethan Yeager in Lawndale: Ch 7 Chaos Theory, by Shiva (parts 4 - 6): "'Dar-ia I’m not in the mood for jokes,' Helen replied dismissively, 'Now out with it.' 'He is my boyfriend.' Daria repeated, just as flatly as before. There was a long moment of silence that seemed to stretch into forever, Helen, Jake, and even the chattering magpie Quinn were staring at Daria as though she had just grown a second head. '...Uh Mom,' Quinn began weakly, 'I don’t think she’s kidding.'" (Part 5) (Part 6)
- God Save The Esteem ep41: Is It Fun Yet?, by Charles RB (part 12): "'When you said you wanted to visit the Smithsonian – not that I’m complaining, Daria, okay, I am,' admitted Amy. 'The National Postal Museum is a Smithsonian museum.' 'This is a trick in some way, isn’t it?'"
- Just A Teacher Crush, by BrownEyedBagel (COMPLETE!): "Never in my life have I been so stricken by any other human. I try to pay attention to today’s lesson, but I can’t focus on getting a state mandated education while this fine sculpted specimen proudly displays an aura of dominance. What makes it harder is that I know that he doesn’t realize what he’s doing to me. With no intended effort on his part, he teases me to near madness."
- Lost and Found, by Reven384 (part 5): "She wondered what her family was doing right now. Were they still looking for her, or had they given up. Perhaps they were secretly glad she was gone. 'Don’t think like that Quinn,' she told herself, 'I bet even Daria misses us.' 'Not really. I doubt she’d miss her distant cousin,' she answered herself. 'I really wish I could apologize,' she said to herself, 'Stop making me sad!' 'You’re yelling at yourself!' she yelled back."
- One Night With Kevin, by peetz5050 (parts 1 - 3): "As he stepped up on the footpath he heard, barely, something that made him stop. Then he heard it again, it was a girls voice, pleading, sobbing, begging 'Pleashe shtop... pleashe... no...' Kevin felt chilled, he stood perfectly still for he didn't know how long. 'Is this real? What do I do?'" (Part 2) (Part 3)
- Only the Truth, by ST91 (COMPLETE!): "'Hi. I'm Jane Lane, a teenager with a lot of problems. Mind you my problems are not the ones that the protagonists of those stupid TV series have . I've been pretty much abandoned by my family ; my father, my mother and my 3 siblings, Wind, Penny and Summer are all around the world to live their lives....'"
- Operation Glitterberries, by BF110C4 (parts 7 - 9): "While waiting on the bed of the motel Ken did his best to contain his excitement, he needed to be the mature and skilled lover for Abigail, after many years of theorizing on how the love of a man in the peak of his life would allow a girl to become a woman, he wanted to make her first time even more memorable that the fact that she slept with Ken Edwards." (Part 8) (Part 9)
- Prelude to The Avengers Part One: Origins, by Reven384 (part 3): "Anthony DeMartino was pleased with the results of the serum. Quinn was faster, stronger, more durable, and even smarter. Though the smarter was actually due to the serum making her brain work more efficiently and if Li was any indication allowed for perfect recall of memory. This would make training her easier. Mack was as good as ever, and Jane was proving to be a valuable asset. Once Quinn got trained up they’d be the perfect commando unit."
- A Question (Scenes no Daria Fanfic should ever have-Now Springtime Fresh), by thatLONERchick (COMPLETE!): "My name is Skylar Feldman. I'm currently a Junior at Lawndale High School. I'm popular, attractive, well liked, and can afford to take dates to Chez Pierre once a week. I'm also known as the school psycho."
- Quinn's Code Story 6: The Lab Mouse, The Geek and the Convention, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 8): "Donna came down. 'Brittany doesn't want to see you,' she said to Daria. 'She doesn't? Then I'll stay here until she changes her mind.' 'If Brittany doesn't want to see you, she doesn't want to see you.' 'I'm still staying here. Go and tell her that.'"
- Quinn's Surprise for Jamie (Scenes no Daria Fanfic should ever have-Now Springtime Fresh), by Reven384 (COMPLETE!): "He was so happy. Quinn was finally going to have sex with him. Oh how he dreamed of this day during school while the teacher went on and on about things that wasn't Quinn."
- Return to Highland, by neonhomer (parts 6 and 7): "'Hello. You have a package for us?' 'Yes.' Said the girl. She went into the office, and then came back out with a manila envelope. 'Here you go.' 'Thank you.' Said Daria, as she started opening the envelope. She pulled some paperwork out, and flipped through it. Without as much as a frown or smile, she asked 'Who did you say delivered this?' The girl didn’t answer. 'Well, it’s obvious that this wasn’t shipped by a major carrier, so that means it was hand delivered.' The girl looked around. 'I’m not supposed to tell you.'" (Part 7)
- Rude Awakening Ep 11: Sucks To Be Them!, by DIsaac (part 1): "KEVIN: What the heck? Where's Scruffy? I know everyone here.... Who is he? (Kevin watches him for a second when he realizes who it is) KEVIN: MR. D! No... I'm just going crazy. It can't be him! He's in Lawndale not in Boston. I'm just being stupid."
- Sexy Daria: Sex and the Mall, by Shiva (part 1): "Jane looked at Daria with a pleading, questioning look, as though there was a magical solution that Daria had hidden somewhere in her skimpy clothes that could get them out of this. All Daria could do was quietly whisper, 'We’re screwed.' Jane did the only thing she could do, she headbutted her desk and prayed for the sweet release of brain damage."
- Tom's Evening Plans (Scenes no Daria Fanfic should ever have-Now Springtime Fresh), by Shiva (COMPLETE!): "Tom Sloane posed in front of the floor length mirror once last time, blowing himself pretty kisses with his pretty pink painted lips, and wiggled his hips in their very tight low cut jeans with fashionable fraying, his red painted toenail's shinned in their clear high heels, and went with his painted red fingernails."
- Undying Love, by BrownEyedBagel (part 7): "Her shadow stretched an arm to the mortally wounded man in the corner and grabbed the shadow of his foot. He offered no resistance as she dragged him to where she stood, and put up an equal amount of fight when she hoisted him onto the table. He was in the last stage of the fever, as all of her citizens were, and would remain a docile member of her community until she needed him to be otherwise."
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: Not Self Esteem, Necessarily), by Roentgen (COMPLETE!): "'Excuse me,' Daria said, 'I have a question.' 'Sorry, question and answer time is later,' Mr. O'Neill said. 'I want to know what biological-constitutional libido means,' Daria said."

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