Fanfic Update!
- The Aftermath of The One In Which Brittany Goes to Planned Parenthood For... Reasons (Scenes no Daria Fanfic should ever have-Now Springtime Fresh), by Shiva (COMPLETE!): "Brittany then strode the halls of the local Planned Parenthood with a bounce in her step, the terrible weight had been lifted right off her shoulders. After some tries, and some embarrassing incidents with other patients, the cheerful cheerleader found the right door that lead to the reception area where her ride was waiting. 'Hey Daria, Jane.' Brittany said with a smile, 'I'm ready to go now.'"
- At the Crossroads...(Chapter 11), by oni (part 1): "As she was watching it, a pickup truck drove by and brought her back to her surroundings. Linda didn't think much of the pickup truck at first glance, but as it was driving down the street, she saw something that caught her eye. In the truck bed were three girls with what appeared to Linda to be guns."
- Be Careful What You Wish For, by Doggieboy (part 9): "'I thought Mike loved me,' she said, her voice weak. 'He told me that he loved me so many times.' A lot of words came to Scarlett then. Words of how much better Tan was without the abusive bastard. Words about how Angel was right about him all along. Words about how his perverted tendencies had been there all along, and the three of them had just merely ignored the signs." (Also posted on the SFMB)
- Disconnect the Dots, by InvisibleDan (part 12): "I then had a thought. 'Maybe your problem is you have too many options. Sometimes limitations can paradoxically free you creatively.' I remembered hearing something similar once before, and I winced when I realized who had said it."
- Dylan, by J-D (part 5b): "Rod stepped forward and put a hand on one of the items in Kent's arms. 'Wait a moment! Isn't this supposed to be a doo-dad?' 'It's not yours, anyway', Karen said. 'But is there something wrong with it?' said Kent. 'Does that really look like a doo-dad to you? I'd say it's more of a doo-hickey.'"
- Dystoponia (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), by Erin M. (prologue): "The Curse is spreading. I may not be able to see it with my own eyes, but I know it's spreading. I hear it in the wind, smell it in the air, taste it in my food. It's been spreading ever since the war ended. The Forest isn't the only place where the rules are different anymore. Equestria is dying."
- Ethan Yeager in Lawndale: Ch 7 Chaos Theory, by Shiva (parts 7 and 8): "'Zon.' Ethan and Josh said at the same time, then they look at each other and laughed, it was the best place in town to party for those who were into good times and didn't give a crap about the whole popularity thing. The popular had places like Trendee's to go and look good and be boring and junk." (Part 8)
- Flynn at 1111 Glen Oak (Crossovers Still Crossing Over), by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 6): "Sandi saw the strange vehicle come skidding to a stop, although not before knocking the 'Inator' over. He also saw that the scientist guy had fled. 'I'm sure he has stuff here to defend against whatever is in that vehicle.' For all she knew, Doofenshmirtz could have nemeses other than Perry. 'Who's also gone.' She rolled her eyes. Of all the possibilities she could have imagined, she didn't expect what happened next..."
- God Save The Esteem ep41: Is It Fun Yet?, by Charles RB (COMPLETE!): "'You trust me to guard one of your gigs?' Quinn felt something deep inside, a sense of pride she hadn't felt since she'd won her first three-on-one fight. She wanted to speak, to thank her parents for this much trust, to thank them for seeing her do something and believing that she could do it. But that would make her look wussy in front of people, so she punched her dad instead."
- God Save the Esteem 42: Combat Rock, by Charles RB (part 1): "A punk woman, somewhere between late twenties and early thirties, picks the infant up. (The woman has a shaved head but seems to be trying to regrow her hair, and has tried dying it green; it looks like a lawn with weeds growing in it) 'Come on, Daria,' she coos. 'Speak for Mummy.'"
- The Hunter Home from the Hill, by DeacBlue (part 6): "'Excuse me,' he asked, 'but is this the Morgendorffer residence?' 'It is,' Daria replied. 'How can I help you?' 'A Mrs. Helen Morgendorffer hired me to do something that I think is likely impossible - to teach someone ten grade levels of history in a month.'"
- I Don't Redux (IC: Daria and Quinn really are cousins), by Reven384 (COMPLETE!): "Amy walked up to Daria and said, 'Things are getting ugly. I suggest we make a hasty but unobtrusive exit.' 'Do that mother it's what you're best at,' Quinn said. 'Quinn,' Amy said feeling uncomfortable as she could see no way to escape."
- Instead of Planned Parenthood, Brittany Goes... Economy Style (Scenes no Daria Fanfic should ever have-Now Springtime Fresh), by Shiva (COMPLETE!): "'But Kevy,' Brittany said with a groan while the foreign object inside of her dug into her flesh, 'Are you sure this is a good idea?'"
- Kiss-Cam (Scenes no Daria Fanfic should ever have-Now Springtime Fresh), by Brother Grimace (COMPLETE!): "'And now, ladies and gentlemen, Lawndale High School is proud to present - the "Kiss-Cam'!'"
- Kiss-Cam: A Royal Perspective (Scenes no Daria Fanfic should ever have-Now Springtime Fresh), by Brother Grimace (COMPLETE!): "'You have violated this great sanctuary with your presence.' Zeus, the King of the Gods, looked with complete disdain at the young man who stood before him (and the other assembled members of the Pantheon) with an air of complete victory."
- The Line, by DeacBlue (COMPLETE!): "He reached out and caressed her cheek with his thumb. 'Would you like to look at the stars after we finish?' 'Skylar, this is our first date in three years. I'm not comfortable with making out yet,' Quinn said, looking straight into his eyes while brushing his hand away. 'Did -' She stopped as his face twisted into a mask of rage."
- One Night With Kevin, by peetz5050 (COMPLETE!): "Ms. Li opened the door of the lounge but didn't go out, instead she stood inside the doorway as she watched Helen go to Chip's desk and pick up the phone. Kevin stood behind her where he could see and was surprised when Ms. Li took a packet of cigarettes out of her bag and lit one. He moved back a pace to avoid the smoke, waving it away from his face. She whispered 'Sorry Kevin, but I need to steady my nerves, this could be good news... or very bad.'"
- Operation Glitterberries, by BF110C4 (parts 10 - 12): "The soft sound of the alarm in her watch startled Melody and she had to suppress a cry of pain when her head hit the bottom of the bed. She stopped moving for a few seconds to try hearing if her sudden movement had waked her lover/prisoner from his chemical nap. Satisfied that the only sound was the one of the soft whining of Ken she crawled out of the bed." (Part 11) (Part 12)
- Psychosteemsters (Scenes no Daria Fanfic should ever have-Now Springtime Fresh), by thatLONERchick (COMPLETE!): "Mrs. Manson held the flash card up to Daria, a patronizing smile stretching her thin mouth. 'Dara, can you make up a story like your sister's?' Daria stared dispassionately at the woman, then grabbed the Rubik's cube off of the desk and solved it in just a few seconds. She slammed it down in front of the teacher and stormed out."
- A Resentful Cynic Ch. 3 The curse of Middleton, by ST91 (part 8): "A few minutes later the Hecubas and Jane were on the road. the trip to Lawndale State took half an hour but for Jane , as she chatted with Andrea and her parents , that time seemed to last only a few minutes. Jane loved that she could, even if briefly, be with them : so she could feel herself part of a family. A true family. Jane thought sadly."
- Ride, Ride, Ride, by neonhomer (COMPLETE!): "I sighed, and had resolved to just grabbing my order and walking back to the shop to eat, when the one in the red jacket offered me to sit with them. The one in green appeared displeased, but echoed her companion's offer. They sat across from each other, and the girl in red offered for me to sit next to her."
- Sexy Daria: Sex and the Mall, by Shiva (part 2): "'I have my father's gold card and I do just happen to know that there is a Bikini Island at the Mall of the Millennium, if you catch my drift...' 'What? Oh sorry I wasn't paying attention.' Jane muttered, trying to kill this idea before it got out of hand. Daria just laughed and replied, 'Oh Charlie, I already picked out my swimsuits for next year, and if you're lucky you just might see me in them... When the weather is nice of course.' Upchuck growled and said, 'Feisty!'"
- Undying Love, by BrownEyedBagel (part 8): "He slammed his fists on the keys and got to his feet. He didn't know where she was, but she knew where he was. He didn't know what her numbers were, but they had to be higher than his. The end game situation back in Lawndale was bad, this was worse. He grinded his teeth for a moment, she was just playing with him now."
- Unnamed story (Scenes no Daria Fanfic should ever have-Now Springtime Fresh), by Erin M. (COMPLETE!): "Jane stared in horror at the twisted body under the tires of the Morgendorffer SUV. Daria finished throwing up and walked over to her."
- Unnamed story (Scenes no Daria Fanfic should ever have-Now Springtime Fresh), by JohnHWatson (COMPLETE!): "'Well, this is interesting,' Daria observed. 'A surprise plot twist.'"
- Unnamed story (Scenes no Daria Fanfic should ever have-Now Springtime Fresh), by thatLONERchick (COMPLETE!): "Daria grimaced and stared down into her bowl. 'My ice cream is salty.'" (Continued by Ranger Thorne) (Continued by Shiva)
- We Only Hurt the Ones We Love, by deneich (part 12): "There was none of the prior tentativeness in Dad's reply: he, honestly, didn't know anything more. That was troubling, if Mom didn't feel comfortable telling Dad, while he was driving, then the news must be bad indeed. I, normally, would consider myself to be a reasonable and rational person; but – as the tears clouded my vision and then slowly laid tracks down my cheeks – it amazed me what desperate and terrible visions my fifteen year-old mind could create. I was scared, it was unreasonable and irrational but – nevertheless – I was cold-sweat scared."
- World's Medium-Sized Crossover, by Roentgen (part ): "Upchuck indicated the felt shapes on the table. He passed out the felt shapes to each person at the table. 'What is this?' Daria asked. 'Of all the timelines,' Upchuck explained, 'this is clearly the darkest...which is why I propose we commit to being evil.'"

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