Fanfic Update!
- Armored Cynic Daria, Episode 2: The 8th Circuit, by RX-87 (part 3): "MAX: The prototype?! It's combat ready? NICK: That's what I was going to tell you! MAX: Well what happened? Who was inside it? NICK: That's the part you're not going to believe..."
- Ethan Yeager in Lawndale: Ch 8 Negotiable Education, by Shiva (parts 3 and 4): "As Kay pulled away and began the drive home, and an unusual night of work grading papers, she thought about the subject of distance again, and felt the sickening sensation she always felt when thinking about what had happened in the past. 'It will never fully heal,' Kay reminded herself once again, 'But it doesn’t mean that it’s not worth trying.'" (Part 4)
- God Save the Esteem 42: Combat Rock, by Charles RB (part 3): "All concept of time had been lost; ever since she knew Daria would be coming, every second stretched out for Jane, forcing her to reflect on what had happened, making her wait an agony of an age for her friend, for respite. She’d turned to painting and that worked, as it always did, but the result was jagged darkness and screaming hate. It was subject matter she painted all the time but always under control, often – dare she admit it – artificially because she found it cool rather than because she’d been angry and depressed in real life. This made it clear how she felt inside."
- Lazarettes (Iron Chef: And Go!), by RX-87 (COMPLETE!): "Excerpt from the transcript of the interrogation of Quinn L. Morgendorffer by LAPD Officers E. Pulaski and F. Hernandez. QM: I'm a little curious, though... How'd you find out? Was it my mother? She was always uncomfortable when she realized what I'd done but I never thought she'd tell."
- The Mageborn Cynic : Daria & the School of Magic, by peetz5050 (part 11): "The grim faced monk prowled the halls of Lawndale College of Sorcery and Magecraft, his slippered feet making hardly a sound as he followed his usual route. Every now and then he passed another Brother, standing sentinel or on patrols of their own. He felt refreshed after his prayers and the frugal supper he'd allowed himself so, although his deeply lined face never betrayed a trace of his feelings, he had a spring in his step as he went about his duties."
- A Regret (Iron Chef: Jane's Subtraction), by thatLONERchick (COMPLETE!): "Daria stood in a corner of Brittany's living room, watching the popular people interact. An internal commentary was running through her mind, rude and witty comments on the goings on she had no one to share with."
- A Resentful Cynic Ch. 3 The curse of Middleton, by ST91 (COMPLETE!): "That day however things took an unexpected turn when, arriving at Crestmore, the Landon’s ran into the Ruttheimer’s. Jodie wasn’t happy to be in the presence of the most perverted boy in Lawndale High school. Great, now all that’s left is the invasion of locusts and today will be set. Jodie thought as Charles and his father approached them." (Part 10)
- Return to Highland, by neonhomer (COMPLETE!): "Mr. Hansen walked around from behind the desk. 'You’re more than welcome.' He hesitated for a minute, and then extended his hand. Daria took it, shaking it firmly. Then, without notice, Hansen pulled Daria to him, and wrapped his arms around her in an embrace. Daria resisted only for a moment. 'I’ve wanted to do this for years.' He whispered into her ear. Jane and Tilly leapt to their feet, but Hansen had broken the embrace before they could make a move. 'I’m sorry. I should have asked first.'"
- Sexy Daria: Sex and the Mall, by Shiva (part 5): "'I... Well we were thinking about the, you know, laundry room incident and I was wondering...' 'Is Mack there?' Daria asked out of curiosity again. 'Yes,' Jodie replied and felt a hint of desire escape into her tone, bringing a smile to Mack Dynamite’s lips, 'And well... Do you want to try again? Without interruptions?' '...Oh yes.'"
- A Small White Stick, by JPAGC (part 2): "I found something important at my house yesterday.' 'What?' 'Promise me you won’t shout out when I tell you, okay?' Jane raised an eyebrow. 'Another promise...?' Another begging look from her friend made her stop. 'Okay, I’ll keep my mouth shut. What is it?' 'I found a used pregnancy test in the house trash. A positive pregnancy test.'"
- Tales of the Ringbearers: A Salvage Attempt (IC: Hell is Crossed People), by Doggieboy (part 1): "Rose scanned the bone and sighed. She looked down and took several deep breaths. 'If the DNA is right, this is Wendy’s. Apparently...she was eaten. Hopefully, she was dead when they - whoever or whatever they were - started on her.' Robert scanned the dried blood and frowned. 'There’s something wrong with this blood. There’s traces of some sort of virus that I’m unfamiliar with.'"
- Touchdown (Scenes no Daria Fanfic should ever have-Now Springtime Fresh), by Reven384 (COMPLETE!): "Kevin and Brittany were making out on the couch. Brittany was responsible for babysitting a baby tonight which meant fun time for Kevin. The baby started to cry a little and Kevin's head got kinda fuzzy. He removed his tongue from Brittany's mouth and smacked his head to see if that would help him see strait."
- Unexpected Hookup: First Taste, by Shiva (parts 4 and 5): "Once they were in the car, it only took a quick look-see to reveal that all three Morgendorffers were now at the window staring at the spectacle, Daria’s mom was clearly conflicted, her dad had a video camera, and Quinn had a phone seemingly glued to her ear, clearly giving a blow by blow account to someone (Stacy) as she stared wide-eyed at what she had assumed would never happen. Daria going out, on a date, with a cute guy, and doing boyfriend/girlfriend stuff." (Part 5)
- Unnamed story (IC: Fashion Club Reunion Road Trip), by Roentgen (COMPLETE!): "EXT: LATE NIGHT. Wolves howl in the cold desert night. A rent-a-car is parked at the side of a lonely road. Forty yards away, using only a flashlight for light, Quinn digs while Stacy holds the light. They have been taking turns digging, and both look like they've been through hell."
- Unnamed story (IC: Mr. DeMartino on a date...), by peetz5050 (part 1): "Anthony sat nervously at the quiet corner table for two. He couldn't stop himself from checking his watch every few seconds or taking sips of his iced water... he didn't dare drink alcohol... not until he met her... didn't want to make a bad first impression."
- Untitled Ficlet/Quasi-Short Story 180612 (Iron Chef: Jane's Subtraction), by JPAGC (COMPLETE!): "'It means... look just let me get through this part, ok? Then there'll be a video...' He continued with some explanations before resuming his monologue. Daria hesitated, thought again to intervene and then looked around. Her interruption had made her notice by the half dozen other teenagers in class. Some were looking at her even these could not remove the boring look present on their faces. Nobody had made any comment."
- Upchuck Meets Mistress Hedwig (Scenes no Daria Fanfic should ever have-Now Springtime Fresh), by Shiva (COMPLETE!): "Charles Ruttheimer III was awoken rudely by the sudden jerking sensation of his chains being pulled suddenly upward. 'Ow!' He moaned more in shock than actual pain, then began to realize that he wasn't in his room, instead he was in a darkened dungeon filled with bizzare devices, and even stranger smells, and the faint sound of what was either screams or moans, or both."
- Worldhopper (Chapter 4), by Erin M. (part 1): "'Don't play dumb with me! You KNOW what I'm talking about!' Griffin began pacing back and forth in front of Daria, ranting. 'For the past eight months, you pathetic losers have been causing problems for me, for the PPP, for the country as a whole! You and all your friends have been plotting to ruin everything I've tried to build. To make the world a better place. Where people don't have to think about all the rotten shit the world throws at them! Where people are happy!'"

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