Saturday, December 22, 2007

Amy Barksdale's... Face

The actual reason I started looking at pictures of Amy Barksdale was because of past complaints from Daria fans that Amy's face changes between seasons two and five. Above are screencaps taken from (left to right) "I Don't," "Through a Lens Darkly," and "Aunt Nauseam." Click on the picture to enlarge it, and judge for yourself. (Note: The "Aunt Nauseam" picture is flopped horizontally so she is facing in the same direction as the other shots.)



Greybird said...

Hey. Her eyes are UP THERE. {g}

No facial differences to me, and as to others, no more variation than when Daria puts on a Quinnish pink cropped top ... the subject of your next sweeps-month investigation!

Anonymous said...

How about a side-by-side comparison of Amy and Daria to reveal the truth... is Amy really Daria's mommy, and if so - why the dception of Helen and Jake being her parents?

WildBlogintheWest said...

From the side, her face looks about the same. It's when she's looking straight on that you notice the difference.

The Angst Guy said... more variation than when Daria puts on a Quinnish pink cropped top ... the subject of your next sweeps-month investigation!

I was going to do an investigation of Daria's bra size again, but your idea works better for me. Thanks!