Sunday, December 23, 2007

Canon Fire

And here we have Daria and the rock band Garbage standing in Times Square NYC, at the start of the TV showing of Is It College Yet? from January 2002. Moments after this screencap, the band takes off and flies around the scene, enjoying life as cartoon characters.

This is one of those numerous examples of off-canon canon, official Daria material that deliberately violates the internal "realism" of the show. Sometimes OCC breaks the fourth wall and talks to the audience. Daria cast members are aware that they are two-dimensional cartoons, but also claim they are actors with the same family relationships as shown on the series. Ridiculous situations are taken in stride, nothing is sacred, and Daria calls for her agent when things go wrong. There is also OCC material that doesn't break the fourth wall but still shows cast members as actors in the Daria show, unaware of the presence of viewers but struggling to get through the script and filming of the episodes.

There is some fanfic that works with this OCC element, but not a lot. I'm making up a little list of Daria stories that show the characters as actors; if you know of any, please post them here. I want to touch up the "Off-Canon Canon" page in DariaWiki with a few more tidbits.

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