Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The French Connection

Daria has a strong following in France, judging from the very large number of French-language websites about the show. (Have a look at left.) The show references France, the French language, French culture, French restaurants, and French fries numerous times. Daria even daydreams of being sent to a college in Paris (to teach!) in "College Bored." A PPMB Iron Chef competition from 2006 ("IRON CHEF: Parlez-vous Daria?") produced some interesting stories about Daria's French class, about which we know next to nothing except that she has one. Certainly more could be done with this theme in fanfic.

If Francophone readers know of other French-language Daria websites, please let us know here. The fandom suffered a great blow with the loss of Triste Monde Tragique (not the blog named at left) and CyberDaria (the follow-on site to the one named at left) several years ago. Those were wonderful. Alas, all gone now.

More world news later. Until then, enjoy your French fries.


Anonymous said...

Iy would be appropriate to say that Daria had a strong following in France, as most sites haven't been updated in ages.

The Angst Guy said...

Same in the English-speaking world, but the sheer volume of French websites testifies to its appeal. I've been able to find more French sites than all other non-English sites put together.