Speaking of which, Daria and Jane made a surprise appearance in an online comic seven years ago today, in "The New Adventures of Bobbin." Cute, very cute.
LATE ADD: Marvelous ficlet by WacoKid in this thread. Wow.
- Schismatic, by Smileyfax (Part 2): Jake checked the closet, but found nothing but several copies of Daria's favorite jacket, a shade of dark green which turned almost black when splashed with blood--
- John Lane 36: Promises, by Richard Lobinske (Part 4): "You don't need to stay out as long as I did for my prom," said Helen. "Oh?" Daria said. "Never mind," her mother quickly added.
- Legion of Lawndale Heroes 13.3, by Brother Grimace (teaser): "Nobody wants to be stuck in a little room Night of the Comet-style with tubes draining blood and spit so rich people and their friends never die.”
- Sometimes It Rains, by legendeld (Parts 4 and 5): “They got past the barricades downstairs. I’m trapped in my room, and I don’t know how long the door will hold. You have to help me!”
- Stacy Rowe, Seeker (Part II), by jtranser (continued): The consequences of making a wrong turn in a derelict shopping mall.
- Two Aunts, by legendeld (Part 1): “Don’t spoil your appetite, or you won’t have room for any haggis!”