New Fanfic!
- Butt Monkeys in Paradise (Iron Chef: Guilty Pleasures Redux), by The Angst Guy (COMPLETE!): "'One lousy kiss!' Tom cried, his voice trembling with raw emotion. 'One lousy kiss, and everyone acts like I bent Four-Eyes naked over the hood of my Jaguar and gave her a rogering she'd never forget! And I would have, if Jane hadn't stolen my twelve-inch strap-on!'"
- Character Study (Scenes That Should Be: Breakfast of Zombie Champions), by The Angst Guy (COMPLETE!): "If I asked what she wished her name really was, the answer I got would be Rhiannon—not because of the song but because of how different and strange and wonderful the word sounded when you said it. She probably also knew all the words to the Kinks' 'Lola' because it pissed off her parents so excellently."
- Daria & ..., by HeirOfNorton (part 3): "When Daria came out, she found both her parents awake and in the kitchen. Mom was standing at the counter chopping up something. Dad was sitting at the table. He was dressed in a suit and tie. Daria hadn't seen him dressed like that since they all had to go to great uncle Josiah's funeral, and that was months and months ago. He was sweating and his legs were bouncing almost as much as Quinn."
- Down Hill Spiral (Long Story Challenge #4, Round 3), by OverlordMikey (COMPLETE!): "Trent sat alone in a coffee place watching the hurrying people rushing in and out. He remembered not to long ago her would be mocking those people for their busy life styles, however now part of him wanted that. Something to do was better than nothing. He wished for something, which was painful for him as he had spent all his life simply not caring. Some people say they miss their youth, but Trent; well still young, already hated it."
- Esteemster Series, by TheExcellentS (part 8): "Barch: 'For the love of God skinny get off the fence, will you? These people, which is a term I use in name only, should be in jail right now! And what's their excuse for doing all this? Because they were never given an opportunity in the LFC? These thugs don't deserve an opportunity if this is the way they are going to act!' O'Neill: 'Janet, I know how passionate you are on this matter, but what's done is done and it's all in the hands of Team LFC now.' Barch: 'All right... I guess I'll still have the pleasure of watching the LFC's finest physically eviscerate them! I can't wait!'"
- Ghost Girl chapter four, by Pumpkin Panic (parts 1 and 2): "'What are you doing out so late anyway?' Quinn said shifting a suspicious looking duffle bag from one shoulder to the other. 'Exorsising the poltergeist in tha cafe on Dega St.' She said completely seriously. 'What are you doing out so late?' 'What do you mean? I'm always out this late.' Quinn's eyes shifter nervously. 'You know me. Just out with um Jack.'" (Part 2)
- Is It Busted Yet? (Scenes That Should Be: Breakfast of Zombie Champions), by Charles RB (COMPLETE!): "'And so, I give you the winner of this year's Lawndale High School Diane Fossey Award for dazzling academic achievement in the face of near-total misanthropy... Ms. Daria Morgendorffer!' Daria took to the stage, and that was Angela's first clue that something was wrong. The little hellion looked confident. Like something had just happened that helped her."
- LLH Mini - Bent Tins, by Roentgen (COMPLETE!): "The burst would have killed anyone human - but Black Majesty barely counted. He laughed as the bullets ripped through his unholy flesh, and all Jodie got from her trouble was Black Majesty's smile and a wisp of smoke from his lips. 'A noble attempt, little pawn - but utterly misguided! It's what I'd expect from a counterfeit!' 'We're real enough to stop you,' Brittany said."
- Remembrance, by HolyGrail2007 (part 16): "Andrea was lying on her back, eyes staring off into infinity. The knife wound to her abdomen appeared to be the cause of death, although the autopsy would be what confirmed that. She was dressed in a bathrobe, and, from a look around the house, it looked like she had a 'gentleman caller' before she died. Whether it was Upchuck or not could be determined by the CSI's."
- Reunion, by Hyrin (part 6): "'I'm a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world!' Daria quickly answered her cell phone. 'Quinn?' 'I just landed at Lawndale Municipal Airport, and I'm about to get in the rental car! I'll be there as soon as I can!' 'Ok. Quinn?' Daria's breath caught in her throat. 'Hurry.' She hung up and set the phone to vibrate."
- Rude Awakening Ep.8: Three Yards and a Cloud of Dust, by DIsaac (parts 3 and 4): "STACY: At Lawndale High, who was the last person in the world you expect to give a college lecture? DARIA: Kevin but he was also on the list of last person I would think of dating. Brittany Taylor had farts of smartness but I can't think of her lecturing to anybody at all. Porn, Yes by a mile. Academia, a big old NO! STACY: Brittany Taylor lectured my weather class today. (DARIA let that sentence soak in a little bit) DARIA: Can you repeat that? I don't think I heard you correctly." (Part 4)
- Settling Into A New Life, by RLobinske (part 4): "'Let's hope she sleeps through the night. Or at least most of it.' Karen said, 'If she's going to wake up tonight, I hope it's around midnight.' 'Sure, she can join the celebration,' Daria said. 'Never too young to start.' Karen said, 'I'm afraid I'm going to be saying that way too soon anyway.' 'Aren't I supposed to be the one saying that?' Derek said." (Part 5)
- Stacy's Day Parade (Scenes That Should Be: Breakfast of Zombie Champions), by Jim North (COMPLETE!): "'Woooooooow,' Tiffany droned, a perfect enough sentiment that nothing else needed to be said. Before them was a parade that stretched far off into the distance. The head of that parade was just coming toward them, and as it passed by they watched the first float in stunned amazement."
- Sweet Crank (Scenes no Daria fanfic should have: Last Friday Night!), by thatLONERchick (COMPLETE!): "He couldn't stop. It had been an uphill struggle from the start, but once he started sliding, there had never been any hope. He sat now, huddled behind the wheel of his car, going through the powder in the small packages with frightening speed. Soon his face and shirt front were dusted as though with new-fallen snow, and he was so jittery he practically vibrated in his seat. He crossed his arms over his chest and closed his eyes as the high took him."
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: And not a single care was given that day), by Charles RB (COMPLETE!): "Trent looked up at her. 'Daria, do you ever feel like maybe you're wasting your life?'"
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: And not a single care was given that day), by Jim North (COMPLETE!): "'Jane, I kissed your boyfriend. I kissed Tom.' Daria stopped in the middle of the hallway as a pair of sunglasses descended from the ceiling and fell into place in front of her regular glasses."
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef - Daria's best friend is Huey Freeman), by Pumpkin Panic (parts 1 - 3): "Jodie looked at her and said 'Apparently there's two new black kids at school and Kevin keeps making a complete ass of himself and calling them both "Mack Daddy".' 'I here his mother drank heavily during her pregnancy with him.' Jane said." (Part 2) (Part 3)
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef - Jodie the Inventor), by Chris Tucker: "Preliminary test flights had established the aerodynamics of the plane. 'Smooth, all but flies itself' was a common statement. But at 300 MPH, the engine got squirrelly. 'Jittering', they called it. Catastrophic engine failure could occur. An automatic safety system would blow the engine out the back of the aircraft if the jittering got too intense. Once past a certain point, the engine would shred itself before the pilot could intervene. "
- Unnamed story (Scenes no Daria fanfic should have: Last Friday Night!), by Greystar (COMPLETE!): "Mr. O'Neill - Hello... Timothy O'Neill here. If you are watching these last words, then you'll know that I'm gone and you've found this camera. Well, you already know that you found the camera, obviously, or how would you have the tape? Actually, if you found the camera, you must have found me. Unless you recovered the camera from looters, although I must say, it's a pretty heinous thing to steal from a frozen man. Although, come to think of it, it's not actually all that cold anymore. And the snow got rid of the pollen. You know, I feel pretty good! (hears scuffling sounds) Hello? Who's there? (O'Neil's eyes go wide) Who are you-"
- Unnamed story (Scenes That Should Be: Breakfast of Zombie Champions), by Doggieboy (COMPLETE!): "Whoa. That was nice...very damned nice. This would be even better. I'd wait until she's in full shower mode, then grab her by her arms and plant a big wet kiss on her lips. Just seeing her eyes open in full terror mode would be worth it. Then while she's screaming, I'd escape, get home and document my success."

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