Fanfic Update!
- God Save The Esteem Ep34: Tom's Addition, by Charles RB (part 3): "'Sadly,' said Pat, 'I’m taken, so is John Thomas here, and Terry is more gay than two men having sex. You’re stuck with Pee-Wee.' 'Hello,' said Stephen Pierson-Wells hopefully. Astrid swore in Norwegian. 'Can I claim one of you is cheating with me? Please? No offence.' 'No, that’s fair,' said Stephen. 'I think Tom’s a more realistic cheat than I am-' 'You never let that card game go, do you Pat?'"
- Gossip Rag (IC: Daria and Jane:Enemies at first sight), by OverlordMikey: "Jane had seen her from time to time, but she had always seemed so plain and clean. Jane knew better of course. She had almost the entire school under her thumb as head of the school newspaper. Everyone feared her or worked for her, although usually it was both. Now here she was, making out with Jane's brother Trent in Jane's own bed room, on her own bed, half naked, and Jane didn't miss the unopened condom Trent was holding in preparation."
- How Harry Potter Should Have Ended (Non-Daria (mostly) IC: How X Should Have Ended), by RX-87 (COMPLETE!): "Draco: I... I... I don't feel so good. Draco collapses on the ground, a strange bulge forming under his robes. A naked, blood-covered Harry explodes out of his body. Harry: Ugh. Let's hope I never have to do that again..."
- Is It Ours Yet?, by RX-87 (part 5): "The bizarre thing responded contemptuously 'Familiar? Hah! Listen, Handlebars, I ain't nobody's underling. Now I'm offering to assist you little bastards outta the goodness of my heart. So, anybody have any questions?' The creature immediately regretted saying that. 'Ooh! Me! Me! Me!' 'Where'd that robot come from?!' 'Is it an alien?!' 'Are all the bag guys that gross?!' 'Do we get payed for this?'"
- The Kiss, by tafka: "Daria was acting weird, weirder than usual. Moreover she had been avoiding her for the better part of a week. Tom was being all cold & distant, but that was slowly growing to be the norm. Jane wondered if the two were somehow related. She did some mental arithmetic and came to an answer she didn’t like at all."
- Lawndale and Sandi Griffin’s Genie (Chapter 5), by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 4): "They struggled, Elias grabbed the emerald. 'I wish that Dennis will be at home, that the tornado will completely disappear and that all the major damage would be repaired!' The last word repeated around them as the emerald granted the wish."
- The Nature of the Lion (Supercharacters: in Daria, in canon), by The Angst Guy: "MMANSON: Uh... you want me to what? [DELETED]: I want you to design a special curriculum for students at Lawndale High who possess parahuman potential— MMANSON: Sorry, forgive me for interrupting, but what you just said... [DELETED]: Parahuman potential. Super-powers, just like in the comic books."
- Rio Grizzly, by Smijey (parts 1 and 2): "It was times like these, Darius reflected as he looked up from the puddle of mud he had landed face-down in at the young woman sitting backwards on his horse smiling back at him, that he regretted ever picking up Black Beauty." (Part 2)
- Silent Melody, by Silver (part 6): "'I didn't do it.' Helen stared at Daria, who stared defiantly back. It took a good few minutes, but Helen leaned back. 'Then who did?' Helen asked. 'Someone else. Someone that's not me. Have someone check. I can't control my lightning that well. You and dad both know that.' Daria shrugged. 'And from what I heard, every nova's a suspect.'"
- Sloane, M.D., by InvisibleDan (part 1): "Sloane: Ah, Daria Morgendorffer you say. Well, that changes everything. She'll be fine. Who's up next? Cameron: But her condition's worsening. Her creatinine levels are spiking. At this rate her kidneys will shut down by the end of the day. Sloane: All she needs is someone to pull out that redwood-sized stick out of her ass and send her home. Is there anybody else?"
- Stalled (Iron Chef: Tom cheats on Daria), by breitasparrow (COMPLETE!): "Daria quickly swung open her stall door and stepped out, causing Jane to take a few steps back from her. 'You know what I don't get about you, Lane? Out of all the guys you could have, you go after my boyfriend. What, are all the cute guys at Lawndale not enough that you have to make out with Tom?'"
- Unnamed story (IC: Whatever happened to Elsie?), by Hyrin (COMPLETE!): "Tom looked around to make sure that he was alone, then whispered to the empty air, 'Do you have any idea what I'm supposed to be doing?' 'Ziggy says there's a 47% chance that that girl,' the hologram pointed at Elsie, 'is going to die within the next 6 hours.'"
- Unnamed story (IC: Whatever happened to Elsie?), by OverlordMikey (COMPLETE!): "'Say Tom whatever happened to your sister?' 'I had a sister?'"
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: Pleasantville), by Jim North: "Trent's glazed eyes barely moved as the images on the TV screen flickered this way and that, but still he was taking every moment of it in. Ever since he had stumbled across the old black and white 50's show a few days ago he'd been looking forward to catching this Pleasantville marathon. He had therefore draped his body lazily across the old stuffed chair and didn't plan on moving an inch until it was over."

I going to watch "Is it Fall Yet?" in honor of it's anniversary.
Every - EVERY! - scene of DeMartino at the camp (and his "becoming A TEACHER?!?!?" rant) is golden.
I also like Stacy's meltdown in front of David and the look on the Sloane's faces when Daria drops some snark.
- Charles RB
Is it just me, or do these fanfic recaps no longer include entries from the Scenes No Fic Should Have threads? (If I've overlooked such entries, my apologies).
...and I scroll down for two seconds and see numerous Scenes No Fic Should Have entries. Hahaha.
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