Fandom News!
- People are sharing news and personal experiences about the earthquake on the east coast of the U.S.
- Daria Cast: Where Are They Now? Share pictures you've found of Daria lookalikes!
- TonyOrk is asking permission to use fanart in his slideshow.
- If you can make one of the Euro Dariacon dates, then vote in the poll!
- midnightstorm wonders what Tom's passion would be.
- Who would win in a Skeletor vs. Mumm-Ra fight? Vote in the poll!
- Watch and discuss the fan film Portal: No Escape in the thread.
- Stripey asks if anyone is up for a Daria Fanworks Day on Friday the 26th.
- OverlordMikey posted a poll to decide which fanfic he should continue.
- Post about supercharacters in Daria, including time travelers and teleporters!
- Lots of new Iron Chefs in Creative Writing: Roentgen's Daria Dating Service, RX-87's Welcome to the Sick Sad World, Pashupati's Exchange of Interests, Pumpkin Panic's Pleasantville, and Mr.Viking's Tom cheats on Daria.
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