So, yeah. Happy (grudging) Birthday, MTV!
There. That's out of the way, so it's on to the fanfic update:
- God Save The Esteem 33: A Headbutt of Dollars, by charles RB (part 3): "The world spun like they were caught in a ballet-dancing hurricane, and when Daria felt everything jerk to a stop she saw the car was now: a) Stopped b) Off the road c) At 90 degrees d) Next to a hitchhiker that Stacy must’ve seen in a split second. 'Huh.'"
- The Invention (Iron Chef - Jodie the Inventor), by The Angst Guy (COMPLETE!): "'Damn it.' Daria dropped her arms to her sides, ignoring the script she clutched, and faced Jodie directly. 'The rioting mob and I would like to ask if you would invent something to stop all the animation errors that are cropping up in the televised series.'"
- Jane Morgendorffer 2: The Middle School Years, by LadieT (part 4): "In mid-October, Danny invited Daria and Jane to his birthday. It was being held at the bowling alley in two weeks. Jane had not been bowling since she was six, so that night, she asked her dad if he could take her later on in the week. Trent volunteered to take them and called Crystal. That Friday after school, the two teenagers gathered all of their siblings for an afternoon at the lanes."
- Life Through A Glass Enclosure (Long Story Challenge #4, Round 3), by LadieT (COMPLETE!): "'Everyone shut the hell up! Jesse - Monique is OUT. I still like the idea of a keyboard in the song, but your reputation in this town for driving away keyboardists is legendary. Hell, you haven't had a decent keyboardist working with you guys since Curtis Stalano! Wait - that just gave me an idea. Trent, didn't we see him when I was in high school - where was that?' Jane asked."
- Quinn's Code 03: Cafe Geekdale, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 7): "After school, Quinn met Andrea as she left the school building. 'There will be a meeting of the Programming Club tomorrow,' Andrea said. 'Yeah, Laurence told me,' Quinn replied, referring to another member of the Programming Club. 'One of the things we will be discussing will be the coffee house,' Andrea said, as she started walking. Quinn followed her. 'Why?' she asked. Andrea looked back 'You will find out,' she said."
- Remembrance, by HolyGrail2007 (part 15): "'Yeah.' The deputy sheriff seemed to accept that. 'And it’s not like it was the heat of the moment, Stacy went to the warehouse before 8, but she didn’t die until midnight. Not to mention the autopsy report.' 'So Sandi doesn’t appear to be our killer, but the way she moved and when she reacted, she knows something.'"
- Rude Awakening Ep. 7: Don't Sign Me Up!, by DIsaac (COMPLETE!): "JODIE: Alright - I would consider this a success. I was right in saying we should be out in the community. STACY: What about what happened at the library? JODIE: IT NEVER HAPPENED!"
- Rude Awakening Ep.8: Three Yards and a Cloud of Dust, by DIsaac (parts 1 and 2): "JANE: I really don't want it to crash and burn because it will hit my pocketbook hard. JODIE: It won't. Trent and Jessie will do good. JANE: I'll believe it when I see it. Jodie, you must love mayhem because you just keep bringing to yourself on a silver platter. (JANE leaves) JODIE: The price of being at WHUB." (Part 2)
- Settling Into A New Life, by RLobinske (part 3): "'I suppose that we're really out on our own, now.' Sitting on the floor playing with Bump, Daria said, 'All grown up and no idea of what to do with ourselves.' 'Of course we know what to do,' he said. 'Serve our feline overlords.' 'How could I be so forgetful?'"
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: Poly Wolly Doodle All Day), by Roentgen (COMPLETE!): "Daria finished her tale of betrayal. 'And that's what I said to Jane. I said, "But I didn't kiss our boyfriend. I kissed Brittany."'"
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: Poly Wolly Doodle All Day), by untra (COMPLETE!): "'Less talky more... uh... oh,' Jane began, before Daria began nodding towards the doorway. Jane caught what she meant, and together the two girls sprinted out of the room and across the hall to Daria's bedroom."
- Unnamed story (Scenes no Daria fanfic should have: Last Friday Night!), by Charles RB (COMPLETE!): "'Did you want to talk about Jane?' 'Nope.' 'Then... what?' 'About our situation.' She closed her eyes and felt the death of hope. 'Crap. What went wrong?' 'Nicky Cavella checked his account earlier than expected.'"

1 comment:
"MTV is old."
- Butt-head
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