Today is also the anniversary of Alfred Hitchcock's birthday. Born in 1899, Hitchcock was a filmaker known for his mastery of the suspense genre. The only canon reference to the man I've been able to dig up was Tom inviting Daria to the Hitchcock Festival to see Rope in Is It College Yet?. Surprisingly, I have been unable to uncover any Hitchcock crossovers in fanfic, either. Can anyone prove me wrong? And if not, what are you all waiting for? Start writing!
New Fanfic!
- The Courtyard (Iron Chef: Biological Parents), by The Angst Guy (COMPLETE!): "And there would be the courtyard. It appears in my dreams even now, the courtyard I saw in a painting my mother kept in the attic, which she showed to me and said was something my father did when he was young and struggling to make a living at his craft. The only father I knew I had, though, was never a painter. He told me so himself."
- Daria is Raven's Apprentice, by project pegasus: "Answering Machine: ::Beep:: 'Good afternoon, this is Dr. Shar again. Please give me a call back.' ::Beep:: 'Dr. Shar again. I just wanted to confirm that I did get your package: pne left foot, one severed head, one pair of eyebrows and a severed penis. Everything is in order, though in the future, please show more compunction when packing the ice.'"
- Daria, or the Confession of a Single Lonely Male, by Arena del Sur: "The reader must now forget Chestnuts and Excaliburs, and accompany us further west. The following days were marked by a number of great thunderstorms, or perhaps it was but one single storm, which progressed across country with ponderous leaps as a frog, and which we could not shake off as the Pink Panther, the same way we could not shake off the detective that follow our path. For it was during those days that the problem of the red Corvette presented itself to me."
- DW: The Many Doctors (Chapter 3), by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 1): "Suddenly the access hatch that the Doctor and his companions had used to enter the bridge slammed shut! 'There is only one way out of this bridge now,' Sigrun said. Then a voice rasped over the bridge comm system... 'Exter-min-ate!'"
- Mad Dog's Legacy Chapter 10: Rock On, by Hyrin (part 4): "'Dad?' Jane shouted. All the roadies looked up, and Jane immediately found her father in the bunch. She stalked over to him and delivered a slap to the face that, thanks to the microphone he was setting up, was heard in every corner of Alternapalooza."
- Mixed Game (Long Story Challenge #5 Round 2), by LSauchelli (part 2): "Jane didn’t want to watch, but couldn’t do anything else. She never pegged Daria as someone who could kick ass, at least not in that manner. She looked down at her weapon and decided that it wasn’t a portal gun anymore, it was now a hammer. So, she started hammering the vents until it was out of her way. She moved quickly to get out and help her friend, but noticed that she was far to high. She had special boots to resist such heights, but she had to land on her feet."
- The NEW Teacher (Long Story Challenge #5 Round 2), by DIsaac (part 2): "I have a reason that I haven't written in this thing in a while. Jane Lane is missing. That was hard for me to write that. It means that my best friend, only actual friend in this godforsaken town is gone and we don't know where she is or even what the hell happen."
- Only the Best (The Lÿrds of the Wÿrd declare WAR on this dominion), by The Angst Guy (COMPLETE!): "'Your father and I are proud of you, dear. We really are.' 'Thank you, Mom.' 'Even if you did go behind our backs and apply to a school that we told you wasn't right for you.'"
- Settling Into A New Life, by RLobinske (part 6): "Daria pushed thoughts of waking alone in her bed away when she opened the classroom door. Grateful that the room was empty, she turned on the lights, placed her briefcase on the instructor's desk and opening it. She turned, picked up a black marker and wrote on the large whiteboard, 'ENC 1102 – English Composition II. Dr. Morgendorffer.' Next, she took a stack of a paper from the briefcase and placed them on the corner of the desk. Then, she sat down and waited."
- Unnamed story (IC: What would Lawndale be like if...), by DigiSim (COMPLETE!): "Daria sat at her computer, staring at the blank screen. Usually she would have no trouble coming up with a subject for a school assignment. But Mr. DeMartino, pop-eyed bastard that he is, demanded an essay from everyone detailing a turning point in the life of one person in the current White House administration."
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef - Jodie the Inventor), by Chris Tucker: "Doc leaned back in her chair. There were only two Raven interceptors left in one piece. These last few flights were make or break for the whizbang and the aircraft it pushed through the sky. If the Raven could be perfected, 1000 of them would forever keep the skies over Britain clear of German airplanes. 10000 would clear the skies of Fortress Europa from the Channel all the way to Stalingrad. Assuming the heat seeking ACK ACK robot bombs worked as reliably in combat as they did here at the Alamogordo Proving Grounds. 'Enough woolgatherin' Morgendorffer. Time to hitch up yer britches, girl.'"
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef - The Metalocalypse Starts In Lawndale!), by Aruphonse (parts 1 and 2): "'We're on a deadline for the next album and Nathan says that he needs me with my negativity at maximum or they won't be able to finish it in time.' 'Since when do they care for deadlines?' 'Since mom made them sign a contract which specifies that in case of them not meeting deadline she'll cancel all cable TV subscriptions except for the edutaiment channels.'" (Part 2)
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef - The Metalocalypse Starts In Lawndale!), by Erin M. (COMPLETE!): "'Gentlemen, Dethklok has acquired a new muse. Her name is Daria Morgendorffer. She is a 17-year-old student attending school in the small suburban town of Lawndale.'"
- Unnamed story (PLOT BUNNIES: free to good home), by cfardell_Brenorenz29: "Jane realised where she knew that voice and accent from. 'Upchuck?' 'That's General Upchuck to you!' Upchuck said, in English. 'So you ended up in Isengard, huh? Did the Wizard offer you an offer you couldn't refuse? A harem of Dunlendish women?' Jane asked, also in English. 'Feisty!' Upchuck said."
- Unnamed story (PLOT BUNNIES: free to good home), by Trscroggs (parts 1 and 2): "Jane tried to keep her expression as bland and non-threatening as possible as a matter of course, but she felt her expression go even flatter when the new student walked into her History class. Normally Jane would have pegged the blonde haired new-comer looked preppy and attractive and dismissed her, but the faint halo over her head and ghostly wings floating around her back marked her as one of the Angel Born." (Part 2)
- Unnamed story (Scenes no Daria fanfic should have: Last Friday Night!), by breitasparrow (COMPLETE!): "'Hey! You got your herpes in my whipped cream!' Erin yelled."

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