Fan artist Kemical Reaxion has also done a series of drawings showcasing Madonna's various "faces" using Daria characters, which is worth a look whether you're a Madonna fan or not. Enjoy!
Fanfic Update!
- Daria/Dorian Ch. 15: Summertime Blues, by LadieT (COMPLETE!): "They looked down at the field and saw what had caught Jane's attention. Dorian's hair was down and the muscle shirt he was wearing was sticking to him from sweat. He was swatting down a pass that Kevin had thrown to Mack. When the play was over, Mack nudged Dorian and pointed up to the stands. A smile came over Dorian's face as he waved to the three."
- Esteemster Series, by TheExcellentS (part 9): "Barch: 'Oh for crying out loud... Brittany would have been just fine defending herself! Now he might have just lost what was left of his cruciate ligaments.' O'Neill: 'Thompson makes the heroic sacrifice to protect Taylor, but Wilkins might have just ended his career with that.' Barch: 'It's possible. I mean, I don't like the man but I don't want to see him injured... kind of.'"
- A Fish Drowning Herself, by untra (COMPLETE!): "Jane took a long hard look at the profile page before taking a deep sigh. 'You know, It's probably just me, but I have a feeling you're not ready to be back in a relationship just yet.'"
- God Save The Esteem 33: A Headbutt of Dollars, by Charles RB (COMPLETE!): "The group walked into the bar and a thousand (okay, fifty nine) eyes stared back at them. Old eyes. Bitter eyes. Hippie eyes. And hippie hair. And hippie wrinkles (it had been a while since the 60s). And if the beer could be hippie beer, it would be. 'We won’t have to do that Cher song, will we?' asked Max in fear."
- Homeless Daria Episode 3: A College Try Gives Me Blisters, by RX-87 (part 15): "A look of mild revulsion crossed Amy's face. 'He really seems to have an appreciation for...' 'The finer things?' 'Eyeballs.'"
- The Honeymoon, by LadieT (COMPLETE!): "'I'm worried about you. You haven't spent an entire night with me since I was released. Are you afraid you're going to hurt me?' her wife asked in a voice barely above a whisper. Jodie stood silently. She didn't want to tell the other woman her fear - not yet. Not in this moment. Tightening her grip slightly, Jodie placed her head against her wife's shoulder, only to have it lifted up."
- Jane Lane (Crossovers Still Crossing Over), by Wraith (COMPLETE!): "Jane Lane checked into her room / Only to find Gideon's bible / Jane had come with a glue-gun / To stick down the legs of her rival"
- Judith Green-Rooms! (Scenes no Daria fanfic should have: Last Friday Night!), by Charles RB (COMPLETE!): "JUDITH: Look, I see your point of view but let's be real here: the character stops working if he goes out with Veronica, he's no longer audience identification- ARCHANGEL: You've made this argument before and again, nobody reading that comic has ever been like Archie and still... NEGAJANE: (off camera) Hey, my butt itches, can we move yet?"
- Last Chick Standing (Daria: The Last Woman), by The Angst Guy (COMPLETE!): "That was last night, hours ago. Now the other half of the human race had decided someone was responsible for zapping the women and had gone into full macho battle gear. Could the human race even do such a thing as destroy all its women? It did not seem likely. Too advanced technologically. Maybe aliens did it. Maybe the men were fighting aliens and not each other. Who cared?"
- Red Nightmare (Iron Chef: Wrath of the Red Tide), by The Angst Guy (COMPLETE!): "Student witnesses agreed that Daria had attempted to get Mr. Sherman's attention by saying 'Excuse me' or something to that effect, and he was in the process of casually responding to their request—using Tommy's trademark humor, said the prosecutor—when the petite Daria Morgendorffer (five-foot-two, one hundred nineteen pounds) dropped her books and jammed a sharpened Number 2 pencil into Mr. Sherman's groin."
- Rude Awakening Ep.8: Three Yards and a Cloud of Dust, by DIsaac (part 6): "UPCHUCK: Ok, I'm about to describe a guy to you and I'm about to ask you 'In High school, Would you of dated him?' SANDI: OK, shoot. UPCHUCK: this guy has more then $50 million in the bank and his net worth is about $200 million at the time. SANDI: I'm dating him! UPCHUCK (snickering and laughing out loud in the place): What is wrong with you? I haven't even finished the description and you wanted to bag him? SANDI: What he's sounds good catch? He's rich. UPCHUCK: No - he isn't you moron! That person was ME IN HIGH SCHOOL! I was the most repulsive dork in the world! Good god woman what is wrong with you? SANDI: I was blinded by the cash and Fashion club needed better intel."
- Settling Into A New Life, by RLobinske (part 7): "Daria said, 'It's good to see all of you, too.' 'Oh, hi Daria,' Jane said. 'I thought we'd stop in for a little bickering and complaining. I hope you don't mind.' 'The place has been too quiet for the last month, I can use some hardcore complaining,' Daria said."
- The Tiger and The Wolf, by LadieT (COMPLETE!): "She looked at the creature, in it's beauty and mystery, as it sat in the front of it's cage staring worriedly into the cage next to it. Jane's attention soon turned to the creature that was in the attached cage. The lone grey wolf, whose eyes were etched in sadness, sat in the corner of it's enclosure, directly looking at the tiger - with it's paw lightly tapping the bars that seperated the two creatures. Jane watched in amazement as the tiger made it's way over to the wolf, their paws now barely touching."
- Two Halves: Chapter 6 - Role Models, by Dark Kuno (COMPLETE!): "'It's just not fair that they gave the contract to Kevin,' complained Quinn loudly. 'I mean he wasn't even supposed to be in the class in the first place.' 'Sooooo unfair,' droned Tiffany as the girls stopped at their lockers. 'Gee Kuh-Winn, I wonder if they didn't get a bad image of the girls from you and your sister disrupting the class so much,' accused Sandi. 'What?' asked a surprised Quinn."
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef - Jodie the Inventor), by Chris Tucker: "It was Jane. 'Heads up, Doc! The drawings are gone, as is the fellow Josephine encountered. The officer who was supposed to be there is stretched out in the vault, with a goose egg on the back of his head. Colonel White has been informed and is on the horn with the local civilian authorities. I've alerted the M.P.s and they're scrambling to chase a jeep that left the south gate a few minutes ago.'"
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: Kevin is shot out of a cannon), by Charles RB (COMPLETE!): "'Hold it... wait... FIRE AT WILL!'"
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: Kevin is shot out of a cannon), by LadieT (COMPLETE!): "Mack: Hiya, Bro & QB here and we are ready to launch our newest flavor of ice cream that will be hitting the freezers next week. Kevin (crawling into the cannon): Hey Mack Daddy - are we sure we need me shooting out of a cannon for this commercial?"
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef - The Metalocalypse Starts In Lawndale!), by Aruphonse (part 3): "Daria and Jane are walking to school. Daria's face sports a very annoyed expression. They stop. 'Stop following me.' Our camera zooms out and we see that the five members of Dethklok are about three paces behind Daria and Jane. They're all wearing sunglasses."
- Unnamed story (Scenes no Daria fanfic should have: Last Friday Night!), by Brother Grimace (COMPLETE!): "'Daria, did you see that?' 'Did I just see Kevin turn into a genie, yell "I must save the forest! Urinal cakes, away!", and fly off on a giant loofah?'"
- Unnamed story (Scenes no Daria fanfic should have: Last Friday Night!), by Charles RB (COMPLETE!): "'Hey, we're Mystic Spiral. And this song goes out to Daria and Jane. *ahem*'"
- Unnamed story (Scenes no Daria fanfic should have: Last Friday Night!), by Charles RB (COMPLETE!): "'Nurse Janey.' Daria’s face was blanker that it had ever been before. Jane shrugged. 'What can I say? Artists need day jobs.' 'Night job, in this case.'"
- Unnamed story (Scenes no Daria fanfic should have: Last Friday Night!), by Doggieboy (COMPLETE!): "With one last grunt, Scarlett pulled off the old skin and handed it to Roger. Off in a corner, Smokey the cat licked one of her front paws. As the teen put back on her clothes, she looked at her companion and said, 'It's your turn.'"

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