Sunday, December 7, 2008

Brittany Scissorhands, and a GAME!

Brittany dons a remarkable outfit in honor of today, the 18th anniversary of the USA release of the fantasy movie, Edward Scissorhands. This is probably one of the more recognizable alter egos, especially if you remember the '90s well.

I've been overwhelmed by in-rushing data after discovering a way to get the WayBack Machine to spew out most of the Daria stuff that was archived on the 'net over the last decade. I stopped on page 32 of 466 pages of stuff. One item is especially good. Here it is.

Play in the Daria MUD
(you will need Flash installed)

It's frickin' hysterical. I've already posted some of the other discoveries on PPMB (here and here). Enjoy.

  • Falling into College 65: Arrivals and Returns, by Richard Lobinske (COMPLETE!): The wedding looms on the horizon, and all flee in fear of the terror that will be BRIDEZILLA! Ah, ha ha ha ha ha ha-[cough cough cough]
  • Heartless (Iron Chef: Evil Jane), by NightGoblyn (continued): In the immortal words of the guy on the Titanic who first saw the iceberg: "Uh-oh."
  • Hell on Wheels, by Roxanne M (Part 1): “If I get killed I am never going to speak to you again.” Interesting choice of words, Daria.
  • Turnabout Confusion Part II: All The King's Horses, by Dennis (continued): This section with Upchuck convinces me that this story is one of the most twisted political thrillers in this fandom. You go!


Anonymous said...

Valkyrie Wisniewski?! :)

The Angst Guy said...

I'm just the messenger. :)

Anonymous said... -- this one beats Daria MUD easily! :)