Sunday, December 7, 2008

Virtual Odds & Ends

So it occurred to me that one thing that could be done with this blog to perk it up would be to bring the Lawndale experience to you. No, the blog will not suddenly fill your life with idiots. You probably have enough problems with that as is.

With the flood of Daria Internet stuff off the WayBack Machine, which is so great that it would take a week to properly sort through, enough unusual items were recovered to make a sort of mini-Virtual Lawndale possible. This would not be that marvelous interactive map from the MTV website. This is something else. The idea came to me when I figured out how to recreate "Radio by Daria" from the old websites, which was really just streaming music (alternate rock) you could play which surfing.

It might not be anything big. It might be sort of fun. Rather than say more, we will let time decide if the experiment works. Party on!

SIDE NOTE: Anyone else delving into the Vortex of Mysteries of Daria stuff through the WayBack Machine? Cool, isn't it? You could build a dozen mega-websites out of it all.

Oh, and I recovered the text contents of all the missing flipbooks, if not the pictures. It turns out the text was the important part after all. Some surprises to come. (They surprised me, anyway.)

DariaWiki's latest addition: Arrivals and Returns (thank you, Richard).

Lawndale Online is still offline. Is it pining for the fjords?


Anonymous said...

Oh indeed -- tons of tons of stuff, I've lost count of how many windows are opened in my browser! :)

ninetwelve said...

Its a little overwhelming- all the new stuff.

It'll take me months to absorb it all with my schedule- which is of course why I look to your blog to do the filtering for me haha :P

The Angst Guy said...

I've decided to dump all my arcane methods into the next posting at 2 a.m. Everyone who wants to play Internet archeologist can do so, and all it takes is a week or two of your time and your sanity.

Show off your treasures!