Thursday, January 15, 2009

Cuchi-cuchi, or Coochie-coochie?

Spanish-American entertainer Charo, whom I'm not sure many of you remember, was born 67 57 years ago today. Helen Morgendorffer does her best Charo imitation at left. (Charo is blonde.) Charo's actual name (I swear) is María Rosario Pilar Martínez Molina Moquiere de les Esperades Santa Ana Romanguera y de la Najosa Rasten, which neatly explains why everyone calls her Charo. Her website is here. The costume Helen wears is similar to the one Charo wears at right (click for larger image). Charo is a very accomplished guitarist, and her website has some of her music. She started the catchphrase "cuchi-cuchi."

Today is a significant date in a certain Daria fanfic that you may wish to read: Fast Times at Lawndale High. I remember the movie Fast Times at Ridgemont High. It was weird. Sean Penn's changed a lot.

Most recent addition to DariaWiki: Brother Grimace presents Training Cadre 3000!

  • Daylight: Soft Rains, by NightGoblyn (COMPLETE!): A very short story with an ending only an Angst Lord could love, and I do.
  • Size Does Matter, by Blackhole (Part 34): Tiffany left her room in a hurry. She had no intended to give her mother another chance to rain her “Knock her up, marry her, elope - but get her out of the house!” rant on one of her dates. That gave them ideas. (SFMB)
  • Snuffed Animals, by Disco316 (Parts 5 and 6): “I trust you," said Jane. "I just don’t trust...” “Don’t trust what? My judgment? My hormones? My sister? What?” “Tom.” [Ah....]
  • Something Not Yet Named, by Gouka Ryuu (COMPLETE!): "This is the story of I got my name," spoke the bard, "though our country's fictional characters also have a place in the tale."
  • Stacy Rowe, Seeker (Part II), by jtranser (continued): "All right. Whose brains did you eat this time?"


Anonymous said...

I'm actually thinking of expanding that work which I haven't really named yet. It's not complete, per se.

Anonymous said...

Progress Report: Riding the Nuke down, have entered Ground Rush Mode.