Interesting historical note for today. On this day 118 years ago, Lizzie Borden was acquitted of the axe murders of her father and stepmother. Jake Morgendorffer had this reaction to Lizzie Borden's story.
- A Jezebel.com writer thanks Daria for "social guidance." Interesting essay!
- Daria and the Daria DVDs as presented in current media.
- Charles RB offers a new Iron Chef Challenge: Straight Inta Lawndale. What if the Morgendorffers had moved to Lawndale while Daria was a toddler?
- Fan Chris Tucker has spotted a Daria lookalike in the Marvel Comics mini-series HER-OES, Book 2. Love the boots.
- NEW! Is comic-book character Becky Burdock more like Daria or Quinn? Charles RB brought this interesting character to our attention.
- NEW! OverlordMikey has begun another Iron Chef: The Father's Day Fanfic Post. "How are Daria and the rest celebrating their fathers and thanking them for all the Paternal-ness?"
- Brittany Wants Daria, by a440 (COMPLETE!): As a rule, when a student graduated, it was said to be a happy occasion, but for Daria Morgendorffer, who was one of Lawndale High's latest grads, such wasn't the case. "You're joking, right?" said Brittany. "Nope," said a downcast Daria, who with the blonde and Jane, had met at The Pizza King for what might be the last time.
- College Wry, by LibertyxIsxLove (Part 2): She and Stacy stood awkwardly on opposite sides of the room before the latter ventured, "I'm a little concerned if Tiffany has a boyfriend..." "Yeah," Quinn agreed, taking a seat on her bed. "I mean, how many guys have tried to take advantage of us, when we're, you know..." she wracked her brain for something polite. "More socially apt than her."
- NEWEST! Daria Regresa, by z3l3niit4 (Part 1): [Daria/Tom shipper in Spanish.]
- El Ultimo Verano, by Xio-Lang: [This begins the Spanish language version of Richard Lobinske's "Last Summer" series.]
- Bathing with Archimedes, by RLobinske (Part 4): Quinn sat next to Daria and Zoe sat next to Jane. Jane asked, "Feeling a little alienated?" Zoe said, "This school is full of brains." "Not a bad thing," Daria said. Quinn said, "And they know to dress and to be popular. It's overwhelming."
- NEWEST! Daria/Dorian, by LadieT (continued): Lillian turned to Quinn. "So, tell me about this Jane girl that came over yesterday." "Jane is Daria's—well, now Dorian's—best and only friend. They started hanging out the second day we were in school here. They complement each other nicely. Jane is a really good artist and has similar tastes in TV shows and sarcasm. Sometimes I think they are the only ones that truly understand the other. I mean, my friends and I are kinda close and all, but they are on a whole different level." "Do you think they will start dating?" "I hope so. Dorian is, well, happier when she is around. I just don't know if the Daria in him will ever allow him to see her as a girlfriend." "Isn't Jane dating that guy Trent?" Jake chimed in, looking up from the paper. "No, Dad. Trent is her brother." (FF.net Spanish)
- NEWEST! The Dream of the White Darkness, by jtranser (end of Part 1): As she drove toward the little farm community of Scorched Rock, Kansas, Daria noticed a strange billboard promoting Fat Man Delivery Services: "High Speed Intercontinental Access!", "World Wide Coverage Area!" and "Delivery Guaranteed!" Daria shook her head. It's been a long day, she thought. Hungry, she pulled into the driveway of Nukie's, the town's only restaurant. She first met Nukie at the Weapons Production Facility at Flat Plains, Texas. At the time, he was a machinist on the warhead assembly line. He'd gone to work at the plant in the mid '50s after he told his interviewer that he wanted to make stuff that would blow up real good and do it for America. [Last part of Part 1 is here.]
- NEWER! Eye of the Beholder, by Yogi (Part 5): “No!” Quinn wailed. “That little backstabbing bitch! How could she!? I though she was my... oooooh GAH DAMMIT!” “Wha?” Stacy gasped, confused at her sudden outburst. “What happened? Who did this? Where does she live?” That last part had just slipped out.
- Finn Morgendorffer 50: Matters of State, by HolyGrail2007 (Part 4): “Were you just talking to Benjamin Montgomery over there?" asked Mr. O'Neill. "He seems upset.” “I don’t know what happened, really. He just had a phone call and he got really upset.” Finn then realized that he just blabbed something about someone being upset to Mr. O’Neill. That was one of the unspoken rules of Lawndale, and the only one left now that Barch and Li were gone: Do not talk about feelings to O’Neill. Ever. Language arts class meant becoming a robot. “Oh, dear! Maybe I should talk to him later. Please, excuse me Finn.” “No, Mr. O’Neill!” Finn called, but O’Neill had already headed back to the elevators.
- For Life, by LSauchelli (continued): Jane looked one more time at the door and kicked it again. “Stupid judge trying to make a stupid point,” she said, trying to bait Daria into saying anything. She glared at the vent. Daria was still not talking. So she decided to sit next to the door and wait. She did this for almost two minutes before her need to talk kicked in. “Daria? You awake?” “I’m awake Jane.” “Think you will ever get out?” “Yes. One year done, one hundred and seven left. The only way I’m getting out of here is in a coffin.”
- NEWER! The Future Is Unwritten, by Brian Taylor (COMPLETE!): "So, what do you do now, Jane?" "I'm a founding member of the Society for Creative Procrastination." "That's disappointing." "It was a joke?" "You were always such a talented student. Are you still painting, at least?" "I'm in the middle of my White Period right now." "Oh! Oh." "Yeah." [Ending is here.]
- NEWEST! The Hallowed Halls of Fielding, by Roentgen (Part 37): Quinn and Jill decided to move their lunch date to Tuesday to give Quinn an uninterrupted break. The course of the day was turkey tetrazzini. Quinn suspected that it was made of the Tom Turkey from Thanksgiving. "Less than two weeks to end of classes," Quinn said. "Then, finals. You'd better enjoy our lunch dates, Jill... next year you might have to find a new friend." "Don't say that," Jill said. "Kiki, you've been working harder than anyone... well, harder than anyone I know, anyway. Heavens, think of your previous schooling. So how are you doing?" "Aside from the F-double-minus Goodlett will give me?"
- NEWER! Helen's Choice, by Charles RB (COMPLETE!): Both she and Jake remembered, quite clearly, the amazement and joy in the teacher’s voice: “Daria’s made some friends.” Daria had been five years old, getting discouraged that the other kids didn’t know what she was talking about and then withdrawing into herself. Her voice, already a bit flat, had started to become completely monotonous. Apparently she’d needed to borrow a pencil and because of that she’d found out Jodie did know what she was talking about. The sight of Daria actually talking with another kid caused little Jane to toddle over out of curiosity. And that’s how her daughter had gained some friends.
- NEW! Judith Strikes! The Green Book, by OverlordMikey (Part 1): Jane sat in the nurse's office feeding Daria. "So, amiga, how long has it been since we had a nice quiet meal?" Daria stared off at the door. "Has he come home?" Daria's voice was still the same monotone Jane remembered, but her words seemed out of place.
- NEW! Judith Strikes! Red-Winged Angel, by Erin M. (Part 1): She wished Daria were still alive. Daria would never have let her fall so far. But Daria had died in an apartment fire six years ago, and Trent had taken Mystik Spiral to Europe in an effort to build a following shortly after Jane had moved to New York the first time. She hadn't seen him since. [Contains mature content.]
- Raft College: The First Year, by rglovejoy (Part 9): "Would you like to see my dorm?" Daria agreed. They entered the East parallel and climbed the stairs to the fourth floor. A long hallway ran the length of the building; dormitory rooms lined both sides. One of these rooms was Sam's. He had decorated the door with cartoons of stick figures. They were not clipped from the newspaper. Instead, they were on white paper, printed from a laser printer. Daria looked at the one that had pride of place: two of the stick figures were watching Mythbusters on television. In the following panels, "Zombie Feynman" entered the room, told the couple that they should cut the Mythbusters guys some slack because they were doing a service to Science, and then demanded to know where he could find some brains to eat. Daria did not completely understand the humor; she would have to ask Sam later why this was funny.
- They Stood on Her Neck: Slate Takes a Look at the History of Daria, by Charles RB (COMPLETE!): In 1998, they came not to praise Daria but to bury her. The cartoon had spun off the eponymous heroine, a sardonic minor character on MTV's smartly dumb Beavis and Butt-head, into her own time slot... Unfortunately, after the first series, voice actress Wendy Hoopes (Jane and Quinn) fell into a contract dispute with MTV.... When the show came back nine months later with "The New Kid," things had changed. Jane had, entirely off-screen, been taken into state care due to her negligent parents; Trent had skipped town without her around. Daria's parents had divorced and her mother (also Hoopes) had left with Quinn. Daria's new best friend was Andrea, a surly Goth girl who'd been a background character, while the Ted DeWitt, the new kid himself, became a love interest for a reluctant Daria. ("Not the original plan for him," said Eichler, "but we were pretty desperate.")
- Two Halves 6: Role Models, by Dark Kuno (Part 2): “S'cuseme!” blurted a squeaky voice as a form wrapped in an over-sized trench coat rushed between Daria and Jane as they exited the girls’ bathroom. “Was that Brittany?” asked Daria. “Either her, or a spy smuggling helium and bowling balls,” remarked Jane.
- NEW! Unnamed story (Iron Chef Challenge: Straight Inta Lawndale), by Malakite (COMPLETE!): Everyone died from the X-5 supervirus which first appeared in Nevada in the mid-nineteen nineties.(Because certain idiots fail 9th grade science, and end up in summer school,instead of being home to notice that their TV was stolen or possibly get crushed by a car they were trying to fix. Whichever.) The End. [Almost.]
- NEW! Welcome to the LD, by Angryellow (Part 1): Quinn, who'd always finish breakfast first because she ate sparingly, flipped through the channels of the living room television in an attempt to pass the time. She hated the fact that there were nothing but infomercials, cartoons, and the local news to select from in the morning. The redhead finally settled on what was, at the very least, her favorite local news program; "WLDL-2 Mornings." "Murder in the morning," Daria muttered in reference to the morning news as she plopped down beside her sister. "Well, it was this or watching that chef guy try to wow me with a set of indestructible stainless steel knives." "Which were coincidentally used in the latest murder on Dega Street." (FF.net)
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