Anyway, Happy Midsummer to one and all, hope yours is a good one.
The Beavis and Butt-head episode "Babes 'R' Us" first aired on MTV 17 years ago today. It briefly featured Daria Morgendorffer snarking at B&B for being stupid, which was the case in 95% of all of Daria's appearances in that series. The scene in question later appeared as an "Easter egg" on the Is It Fall Yet? DVD.

Which fanfic was conceived of ten years ago today? The answer is a tricky one.
Updates to the Midwest Dariacon 2010 thread have been posted. Please read if you plan to attend.
NEW! Erin M. discovered an avatar-maker at the website for the upcoming movie Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, so here are Daria and Jane—Pilgrimfied!
NEW! Thanks to Pittsburghmuggle, we have a DariaWiki page with all the lyrics to the songs in the third-season episode, Daria! Thank you!
EVEN NEWER! Anyone out there collect Daria memorabilia from years gone by? If so, get in touch with other collectors in this PPMB thread (and meet a Great Name of Old, too)!
AND EVEN MORE NEWER! Charles RB has created a new Iron Chef: Judith Strikes Highland!
- NEWER! The InDark, by Mediancat (Parts 15 to 18): "About Daria—" Amy said. "That's when the yelling starts," Jane said. "Daria asked us not to yell." "I haven't yelled yet," Amy said. "Neither have I. If something you do actually gets me to raise my voice, run." Jane didn't get angry enough to scream all that often. When she did, something was very wrong. Dogs and small children fled. They were the smart ones. (Part 18 here)
- NEWER! Wishful Thinking, by a440 (COMPLETE!): "Don't you get it?" said Jane. "There's a legend saying that anyone that discovers that eye is granted four wishes between now and midnight." "Jane," said Daria, sounding a bit testy, "did you and Trent invent such a half-baked story like that? That is the stupidest story I've heard in years." "I ain't joking," said the black-haired Lane gal. "Try to make a wish for a test run and we'll see if the legend was right." "Anything to get you and your stinking yenta off my back," grumbled the outcast. "So, let's see, what should I wish for? Would be tough... I wish I knew what to wish for." For a moment, there was a white flash of light, and then Daria blurted out, "I know what to wish for!"
- A Stranger in Lawndale, by Belle Book (Part 6): Stacy thought back over the three weeks since Derek had confessed to her that he was a kitsune. For the first two or three days, she couldn't help feeling a little awkward around him. After all, she'd never gone out with an animal that could shapeshift into a human before.
- And Another Thing, by Midnightstorm (COMPLETE!): The country club always seemed an ideal place for young love to happen. Young love, the same thing that made me who I am today. The same thing that somehow gets you into all sorts of problems. The same thing I used to not believe in. Dad was having a business meeting there for the investment firm he works at. I just tagged along out of sheer boredom. It was either that or having to stand spending a whole day with Elsie and Mom at the art museum. You guess which one I picked. Both of us never planned it out, we just found each other there. It was just one of those times.
- Bathing with Archimedes, by RLobinske (Part 5): Returning to the table with the girls' sodas, Vincent said, "Daria, what's with the eyes?" "What do you mean?" she said. "Whoa," Zoe said. "Your eyes are glowing." "It's really creepy looking," Quinn said, looking worried.
- Daria and Jane and the Bag O' Noodles, by Brother Grimace (COMPLETE!): "When we get to Daytona, and you have a few drinks in you..." "Yes?" "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."
- NEW! Daria/Dorian, by LadieT (continued): "When my dad comes home, I'm going to talk to him about going to Buxton Ridge." Dorian stared at the wall, afraid to make eye contact with Jane. Jane felt as though the wind had been knocked out of her. "Don't." "Why not? People are going to be trashing me, not realizing they are talking to me. They'll be relieved that 'the misery chick' is finally out of Lawndale. Not to mention Ms. Barch and Mr. O'Neil... she's probably going to skin me alive while he's going to want to get all touchy-feely. I don't want to have to deal with that, Jane. What am I going to do?"
- NEW! Finn Morgendorffer 50: Matters of State, by HolyGrail2007 (Parts 6 and 7): “You don’t like me very much, do you?” “This is the first time we’ve ever spoken to each other. I’ve learned my lesson about judging people before I meet them. I don’t know you, but Finn’s said an awful lot of nice things about you.” “So, what’s the problem?” “No problem. It’s just... I remember how much I turned into a bitch whenever you came into the picture." (Part 7 here)
- Gorillas, I Swear, by Ticknart (COMPLETE!): As a gift to myself, I worked on a new illusion. I thought about adding the traditional trick of sawing a lady in half, but then I'd have to find another lovely to be Stacy's legs, and how could I divide my attention between two succulent young women? What was my new trick? Well, that'll be my secret, for now. With the great word of mouth from my appearances at parties, and the posters of me and Stacy from our performance at the school, the State nearly sold out. Lots of fine, fine money for me, minus 10% for Ms. Li, of course. Stacy, in the new dress and with her hair up, looked as amazing as I imagined she would. At three o'clock, the show began.
- NEW! Grove Hell on Earth, by Charles RB (Parts 3 and 4): Daria went to class as always, but noticed too late that she wasn’t taking the same level of notes as before. In math class, she noticed she wasn’t taking notes at all. She’d been writing random words and phrases. Despite herself, she smiled to see, “All work and no play make Jack a dull boy” was down there; something of her was still active, they hadn’t burnt it all out. Graham was looking at her. He’d seen the notes. She wrote “Hi Graham!” and a smiley face down, causing him to physically recoil and fall off his seat. The whole class turned to look. (Part 4 here) (FF.net)
- The Hallowed Halls of Fielding, by Roentgen (Part 38): "God, GOD NO, Terry. I am not accompanying Scarey Claire-y! The only mode of conveyance suitable to Claire Davidson is one used to sweep floors! This ride is not for me, oh no, no sir!" "Then why can't Claire Davidson get her own broom ride? Why must she bother you?" "She's not bothering me. I'm doing this as a favor for Kiki Morgendorffer." "Pat, if Kiki Morgendorffer jumped into a pile of used syringes, I'm assuming you'd jump in, too?" "I believe so. This part of the mating dance, Terry, is wasted on you."
- Judith Strikes! I Want My Mummy! by Doggieboy (COMPLETE!): “I can’t come over tonight, Sandi,” Quinn Morgendorffer said into her mobile phone. The redheaded teen laid on her back on her bed, her left knee propped up and her right leg crossed over that one. “I’m serious! Mom grounded me for a month after that date when Corey abandoned me at those warehouses. She nearly put me into a private school after he got shot right after that!” She nodded and said, “Well, she’ll calm down sometime and I’ll come right over. Bye!” She turned off the phone and shuddered. She hadn’t been totally truthful to Sandi, nor to anyone else outside of her mother and her sister, Daria. But she knew that she couldn’t tell Sandi about how she had been there when Corey was shot, nor about how she had then been taken hostage.
- Judith Strikes! Red-Winged Angel, by Erin M. (COMPLETE!): She twisted her wrist and the pimp's moans turned into screams. The woman took a step back and her foot flashed out again, catching Sammy squarely on the chin. The pimp went upright again, then off his feet and flat on his ass. Jane stared in horror and fascination at what happened next. The woman proceeded to beat Sammy to within an inch of his life, cloak swirling behind her. Elbows, feet, knees, fists, even fingers. All were used to strike at points designed to cause the maximum amount of pain and suffering.
- Raft College: The First Year, by rglovejoy (Part 10): When the check came, Sam insisted on paying it. "A guy has to have some prerogatives, Daria," he explained. "Fine, then, can I exercise a girl's prerogative? I'll be right back." Daria got up and walked to the bathroom. All she needed to do was wash her hands, but she spent a few minutes checking her hair. No one had ever called her pretty, except maybe her parents, but they did that because she was their daughter. Her sister would always ask her dates if she looked pretty, and they were often too terrified to say no. When Sam told her how she looked, it was completely unsolicited.
- Tracksuits, by Malakite (Part 8): Sandi noticed with little interest that the Preacher hadn't followed his charges in their attack as she squeezed off a two more rounds at the nearest ravening cubs. The resulting sprays of flesh and blood didn't faze the rest of those little monsters very much, only slowing them ever so slightly as they tried to avoid slipping. Between the cubs and the few believers who had recovered their fanaticism she still needed to make every bullet count.
- MOST NEWEST! Unnamed story (Iron Chef: Judith Strikes Highland!), by Charles RB (COMPLETE!): It was an awesome day. They’d managed to find a whole four—better, three crickets! Whomph! Fire! Yay! And then, whoa, cool! This building, like, went BOOOOM! “That was hardcore!” said Daria. “Heh heh, yeah!” chuckled Quinn. “Hey, you think something else will go up next?”
- Unnamed story (Scenes That Should Be: Breakfast of Zombie Champions), by LSauchelli (COMPLETE!): It was a cold winter morning in the middle of nowhere. Two figures stood facing each other, some twenty feet separating them. Daria stared at her father and gulped before saying, "Dad, I'm scared." Usually she would never admit such a thing, but having Jake Morgendorffer point a .45 at her chest was not something she was used to. Not yet. "Kiddo, don't be such a baby," her good old dad said. He checked his gun and prepared it. "We've been over this." (Daria/Kick-Ass)
- Unnamed story (What Would Jane Do?), by OverlordMikey (COMPLETE!): "Jane..." "Oh, hey, amiga! I'm getting ready to go out, I thought you where out with Ted. Is there something you need?" "Ted left me... for someone else." "What?! I'll tear his head off, that little punk! Who is she?! I'll kill her! No one hurts my amiga."
- NEW! Welcome to the LD, by Angryellow (Parts 2 and 3): "What took you so long?" Daria asked her best friend. "Ugh. Would you believe that my baby brother spit up on my blouse and I had to change into another one? Then I couldn't find my cell phone." "Did you find it?" "Yeah. Rachel had it and was playing with it, despite the fact that I told her not to," Jodie grumbled. "Little sisters. Whatever are they good for?" "Ha. You're preaching to the choir." (Part 3 here) (FF.net)
- Wrylight, by Minx (Part 7): Daria was scared. She knew that once she knocked on that door her life would no longer be the same. With an involuntary shudder Daria drew a ragged breath, rapped sharply, and waited for an answer. After a few minutes the door slowly swung open to reveal a disheveled Trent. He stood silently and stared at the young teen. His dark eyes bore into her own as he seemed to search her, as if he were looking for an answer to a question he hadn’t yet asked. “Um, hey Trent, is Jane home?” Daria asked. (FF.net)
Fanfiction tsunami continues unabated.
We must be on a roll or something. Just added a bunch more.
Still adding new ones. Today takes the cake.
8:42 pm EST: PPMB seems to be down.
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