NEW! Charles RB has a new Iron Chef on PPMB: Post-Angstpocalypse. Daria tries to help someone in need... and fails.
And now the fanfic. Entries from FF.net exclude those from stories already mentioned in this blog.
- Brittany Wants Daria, by a440 (Part 5): All of Lawndale High was soon abuzz about Daria saving Brittany from her suicide attempt. Ms. Li broadcasting the news over the public address system, extolling the heroic efforts of the auburn-haired girl, and said what she did that would go down in "Laaaaaawndale High history." It got even worse when Daria and Jane walked into Pizza King afterward and were greeted by many Lawndale High students, beginning with Angie, Lisa and Nikki, who did a special cheer for Daria, then picked her up and gave her a few tosses in the air, cheering, "Daria, rah, rah rah! Daria, rah, rah rah! Daria, rah, rah rah! Daria, rah,rah rah!"
- College Wry, by LibertyxIsxLove (Part 1): Jane smiled. "But, back to spring break: I didn't really have plans to go anywhere..." "Neither did I," Daria declared, feigning surprise for Jane's amusement. "We could have some fun, wholesome road trip adventure..." "Like Thelma and Louise!" Jane remarked, feigning cheerfulness in her turn. "Or we could go to the next town over where nobody knows us, find someone who will buy us alcohol, and have deep, existentialist discussions while shitfaced." "It's a plan then," Daria adjourned, rising to ceremoniously throw away the trash.
- Cross Over Madness, by Agirl2Nerdy (Part 2): Fry woke up gagged and half naked. He looked around drowsily. A feeling of hopefulness shot through him. Was it time for more death by Snoo snoo? (Daria/Futurama/South Park)
- The InDark, by Mediancat (Parts 11 to 14): Someone was kicking Tommy Sherman. Not hard enough to hurt him, but hard enough that he could feel it. He opened his eyes—ouch—and saw that it was two of the Bringers. They backed off as soon as they saw his eyes open. His head hurt like hell— (Daria/Buffy)
- NEW! Bathing with Archimedes, by RLobinske (Part 3): It was lunch the next day before Daria and Jane had much of a chance to talk. Daria said, "So they moved us into this place called the Bio-Home..." Jane had to put her hand over her mouth to prevent a messy spit-take. She swallowed her milk and said, "The Bio-Home?" "What should I know about the place?" "If you're asking, that means that they must've cleaned out the smell." "The smell?"
- NEW! The Best Weekend Ever, by Brother Grimace (COMPLETE!): Her left eye swollen shut, Daria Morgendorffer lay on the floor of the upstairs hallway of her family home, her petite form shuddering in pain from the vicious beating she had received only minutes earlier... [Contains mature content.]
- NEW! Crash and Burnt, by Charles RB (COMPLETE!): The roads back from the paintball course had been treacherous in the rain and the mud, and the school bus drivers were driving carefully. Other drivers weren’t. Daria didn’t remember the impact, she’d been bashed unconscious. Waking up had been a nightmare, her glasses missing and the bus lurching and the screams and the realization they’d been hit on the BRIDGE, the bus was starting to TIP—
- NEW! Daria vs. the Lawndale Zombies 2: Stacy's Revenge, by Erin M. (Part 1): "Great. Now you've done it." "I've done it?! Hey, pal, you were the one who didn't give me a chance to put the probe down." "Well, if you hadn't started playing with the damn thing in the first—oh, forget it. Let's just get this mess cleaned up before the boss gets back. I'll get another jar. You grab that thing." "Why do I have to get the hand?" "Bill..." "All right, all right. Sheesh."
- NEW! Dropping Anchor, by Brian Taylor (Part 1): Gwen Morgendorffer pressed her forehead to the window of her family's 1959 Ford Country Squire and sighed quietly. She watched tidy rows of pastel-colored tract houses, pinks and greens and blues, rush by the window in stretches of three and four. Houses almost exactly like the ones they lived in on base, flat and rootless, looking like any stiff breeze could send them careening across the landscape like Styrofoam.
- Finn Morgendorffer 50: Matters of State, by HolyGrail2007 (Part 2): “Jakey," said Helen, "you can take Finn to Baltimore on Thursday. After Friday I’ll swing by here, pick up Daria, and we’ll arrive by nightfall. We’ll have a nice big dinner together before Finn's big game.” “I think your plan has a problem," said Finn. "Daria won’t come.” “Nonsense, of course she will.” “She won’t,” Finn delivered flatly. “She’ll even stay up at college to avoid coming down.”
- NEWEST! The Future Is Unwritten, by Brian Taylor (Part 2): "You're Express Lane!" "I haven't heard that one before." "Jane. Jane Lane. You used to run track here." "And even though I quit, I'm apparently still faster than you are." "Are you still hanging around with losers?" "I don't know. Why don't I check?"
- NEW! The Hallowed Halls of Fielding, by Roentgen (Part 36): Quinn knew her next priority was the mystery e-mail. The mystery e-mail stated that Claire Davidson's life had been threatened by other students, who told her to break off from tutoring Quinn. "Claire will meet with you. But you have to do everything that we tell you to do. Above all, there must be no spilling the beans. You don't tell Jill Yardborough and you don't blab to the Tops or to anyone else. If it gets back to Claire, she'll never meet with you again and you're on your own."
- NEW! Judith Strikes! The Good Long Sandi, by Charles RB (Parts 1 to 4): “The repainting of the Princess Fairy better be up to standards, Stacy, remind DeeDee that it’s not just my reputation on the line here, but that of her smuggling operations too. If it’s not done in summer wash, I might as well just call the whole thing off.” “Y-Yes, boss, we’ve got Tiffany down there now.” “Keeps her out of trouble.” Sandi, still lying on her bed, turned her head slightly to view Quinn; her lieutenant was studying the seating arrangements and guest list. “So, Quinn...” (NEWEST! Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
- NEW! Raft College: The First Year, by rglovejoy (Part 8): Over the past week, Sandi had decided that Chestnut Manor was not the school for her, and she had been pressuring her former Fashion Club cohorts to go back to applying to Pepperhill. Quinn wondered why. She flipped the pages to find Chestnut Manor. She found her answer: Average SAT score of admitted students: 1350. So that was it! Sandi didn't think she could get into Chestnut Manor, which wasn't even a very good school. Instead of coming clean about it, Sandi was trying to manipulate them all into following her all the way across the country! What a bitch.
"Relativity" was acquired from Wikipedia, by the way.
Fanfiction flash flooding conditions continue.
The rape story was extremely tasteless.
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