- "I'm having an interesting reaction to our favorite show upon viewing the new DVD set," says Daria fan APGilmore in a new PPMB thread called Re-viewing Daria. Check it out and add your two cents.
- NEW! Outpost Daria has updated again, with more stories, news, and art!
- NEW! What movies do Daria fans like best? Roentgen proposes a very interesting exercise in groupthink that you will likely enjoy. Click the link and try it out.
- Back in Cynical Black, by Peapotmaster (preview): "It's Daria's biggest adventure yet, as she must save herself from the evil Cornollio Mafia! With special guest stars; Johnny Gomez, Nick Diamond, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and Beavis and Butt-Head in a battle to save the cynics!"
- Daria/Dorian, by LadieT (Parts 4 and 5): "Thanks for bringing Jane over and being here last night. Thanks for the clothes too." "No problem. How are you doing?" "I feel like I have been hit by a bus while it's being hit by a freight train. Look, there are going to be times when I'm going to need someone to talk to who isn't a female or my father." "You mean like a big brother." "Yeah, and I have it on good authority that you're not half bad in that department. So, I was kinda hoping you could fill that role."
- Finn Morgendorffer 48: Filling Sacks of Failure, by HolyGrail2007 (Part 7): Daria sucked the life out of the conversation with one sentence. “My roommate makes her own tampons.”
- For Life, by LSauchelli (Part 1): Daria Morgendorffer closed her eyes as the presiding juror read the verdict. She could only hear buzzing in her ears, she didn't want to listen. She knew already that she was going to go away for a long, long time. After all, had she not killed her family in cold blood? Had she not left countless clues to the clueless detectives on the scene? Had she not written a confession in her diary? No, of course none of these things ever really happened.
- Jacob Morgendorffer, Esq., by CAP (Part 11): The Wakefield Middle School Parent Teacher Student Association meeting ground to a merciful halt by eight-thirty... Jake looked about the auditorium as he slid on his jacket. Across the room, he spied his youngest daughter was chatting with some friends. His wife and eldest daughter begged off being present. Helen had some work to do and Daria said that she needed to count her toes. (FF.net)
- Legion of Lawndale Heroes Mini: Cop, by Brother Grimace (COMPLETE!): Given their recent run-ins with Ringbearers, Legionnaires, reapers, zombies and roving packs of teen lesbians, nothing surprised the Lawndale PD anymore...
- Morgendorffer, by Lord Akiyama (Part 3): Daria and Jane stood by patiently. They were to one side, watching with great disgust as Princess Augusta sat in one of the garden tables with her high society friends. The three girls were Lady Sandi of Griffin, Lady Stacy of Rowe, and Lady Tiffany of Blum-Deckler. The two maids were to serve whenever one of the four girls called for them. What made the situation of their occupation even more unpleasant was that they had to listen to every word the brats were saying. (FF.net)
- Unnamed story, by Aloysius (preview): The man who was being interviewed looked like a stereotypical Texas oilman, Melody thought as she watched the TV. Which, of course, he is.
- Unnamed story (Scenes no Daria fanfic should have: Ouch Time), by Kristen Bealer (fragment): Standing near the now-disabled Tank, Daria, Jane, Trent, and Jesse discussed how they were going to get to Alternapalooza. "There's a noise wall up ahead," Jane said. "There must be houses behind it. Daria, you and Trent stay here; Jesse and I will find a phone and call for help." She leaned toward Daria to murmur, "Great plan, huh?"
HA! Websense didn't block me today!
You know what's great? Being able to read this as a feed to sort of be connected to the fandom.
You know what sucks? Websense blocking PPMB and the Outpost.
Keep of the great work TAG (and the occasional other team member)!
Will do. This is a great little fandom and I love it.
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