- National Paul Bunyan Day
- Captain Kangaroo's 83rd birthday anniversary
- Canadian Multiculturalism Day (in Canada, of course)
- Mixed Race Day (in Brazil)
- National HIV Testing Day, and
- Seven Sleepers' Day (in Germany).
NEWER! Charles RB has created a new Iron Chef: Tommy Sherman has risen from the grave! Go there and do your best!
And on to the fanfiction.
- Daria: Hunter 6—Infectious, by Jim North (continued): "Daria, your little SIDEKICK is talking to me again as if I give ONE SINGLE DAMN ABOUT WHAT SHE HAS TO SAY!" Jane's jaw dropped. "Amazing! We're in the middle of a deadly situation, he's stuck in a cell and we're the only ones who can get him out, and he's still picking on me!" "Hey, you," Daria told DeMartino, "stop picking on my sidekick." As DeMartino's face split into a wide grin, Jane fixed her partner with a steely glare. "You are so not helping things," she said.
- NEW! Don Jake and the WTF Plot Twist, by Greystar (COMPLETE!): "What’s that sound?" "Sounds like a jet engine." "Damned airlines. Can’t even go on a damn hike without hearing their damn jets." "Jake..." "I don’t see anything. It should be getting closer if it’s getting this loud." "What’s that?"
- NEWEST! First Born, by RLobinske (Part 1): Michael Fulton leaned forward over the steering wheel of the car he and his wife Daria Morgendorffer had rented at the Gainesville Airport. Heavy, driving rain made visibility almost nonexistent as he tried to stay on the narrow, two-lane road. "Did a hurricane move in and somebody forget to tell us? I can hardly see where we're going, let alone our turn." Daria pointed to a device on the dashboard. "Follow the GPS." "And end up like one of those delivery trucks stuck between two buildings?" "According to Karen, we're more likely to end up stuck between two horses' asses around here."
- Judith Strikes! Tidings of Comfort and Joy, by Brian Taylor (COMPLETE!): Amy quit talking in a hurry when she saw the figure in the doorway. A silhouette, short in stature, long in shadow, stood in the door. "My favorite aunt." The silhouette stepped into the light. It turned out to be a young woman, nineteen or maybe twenty years of age. Her boots were thick and black. Her cloak was red. What little of her oval face could be seen under the heavy hood was flat and affectless, the mouth drawn into a cold sneer. "Who's she today?"
- NEW! Judith Strikes! Wraithkiller, by RLobinske (COMPLETE!): "Sorry, Ian, but don't worry. You and Anastasia are going to appreciate getting your old rings back in the future," Judith said as she removed a tarnished, copper ring from the severed hand she held. "And you'll be happy little Ringwraiths." The woman in the red cloak kicked the bloody body that the hand had belonged to. Then, she tilted her head up and said, "I love the smell of paradox in the morning. It smells like vengeance." (FF.net)
- NEW! Sleepwalker, by Jim North (continued): The sun had nearly gone down by the time the convoy pulled into Erbie Motel's parking lot, which was completely spare except for an old model sedan and a large van that looked as if it had been painted over with house paint. Nick's Inn, as far as anyone could see, was completely deserted, and both motels stood as evidence that tourist season hadn't started yet and probably wouldn't for at least a few more months. Principal Angela Li was the first to step down onto the cracked asphalt. She took a few steps forward and inhaled a deep breath of the fresh spring air, then exhaled it back out into the cooling evening sky. She then turned to the row of buses behind her and held her hands into the air dramatically. "All ashore, everyone!" she called out, motioning to the drivers and teachers to start getting the children disembarked.
- That Infernal Nonsense, by Ajar (COMPLETE!): "They call me Mack Daddy—not Mack, but Mack Daddy, though I could never tell why, but always it's Mack Daddy—not Mack, but Mack Daddy, forever a Mack Daddy, I!" (Daria/H.M.S. Pinafore)
- Unnamed story (SHINING STAR: A new shared Dariaverse setting), by Charles RB (COMPLETE!): [An absolutely perfect ficlet by a talented and wonderful author!]
- NEW! The Vision of the Burning Cities, by jtranser (continued): "I'm fascinated by that object you hold in your hand, Dr. Morgendorffer. May I ask how you obtained it and what you do with it?" "This? I got it from another patient. I keep it as a souvenir of an extremely difficult case that continues to ramify in several new dream dimensions, some of which may attain the status of full grown universes should they become stable. As to what it is, I only know a small part of what it can do. It has mysteries that haven't chosen to reveal themselves to me at this time."
nice post...
Thank you! Welcome to Daria-land.
Quick correction: "Tidings of Comfort and Joy" is by me, and not by Charles RB. :)
Uh... yeah, I knew that. I was... testing. Yeah, seeing who was alert. Yeah.
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