We ought to make this a fandom holiday. I should check to see what fanfics have been done about Helen and Jake's wedding or whatever it was. BRB.
LATER: Back. Here are some fanfics that mention or describe the commitment ceremony, however briefly, in no particular order.
- Psychoed, by Thomas
- Fireworks, by C.E. Foreman
- Finn Morgendorffer 2: Let's Get Physicals! by HolyGrail2007
- Finn Morgendorffer 50: Matters of State, by HolyGrail2007
- Falling into College 24: Silver Lining, by RLobinske (25th anniversary in 2000)
- Falling into College 72: Valley of Love and Delight, by RLobinske (Daria and Michael got married on this day seven years ago!)
- Knockin' on Heaven's Gate, by Northampton
- Driven Wild Universe: The Age of Cynicism, by Kara Wild (see end notes)
- The Winters of Those Gone Before, by Brother Grimace (X-rated, so no link)
- Snowflakes
- and a nameless but wonderful ficlet by A.J.
- Committed, by Mike Xeno
- Daria: Hunter 6—Infectious, by Jim North (continued): "Mack Daddy? Hey, Mack Daddy! Can you hear me, Mack Daddy? Hellooooooo? Mack Daddy, Mack Daddy, Banana Fanna Bo Baddy, Me Mi Mo Maddy! Mack Daddy!" Finally losing his temper, Mack slammed the bottom of his fist against the transparent plasteel wall of the cell. "Shut up!" he yelled at the man on the other side. "I told you to stop calling me that!" Kevin Thompson's eyes grew wide at the display, and he held his hands up in surrender. "Sorry, bro! Didn't mean to bother you, bro! You okay, bro? Are we cool?"
- NEW! Finn Morgendorffer 50: Matters of State, by HolyGrail2007 (COMPLETE!): “Well done, Finn.” Rita kissed him on the cheek. “Ballsy move, throwing to that guy,” Amy remarked. It was praise, in her own special way. “This is an accomplishment you’ll remember your whole life, I still can’t believe it’s happened,” Helen noted. She was looking very oddly at Aunt Rita. Wouldn’t she be surprised to figure out Rita’s the one who stood up to Mr. O’Neill and broke him down.
- NEW! Sleepwalker, by Jim North (continued): "Heeeey, babe," Kevin Thompson said as smoothly as he could, his dopey bedroom eyes in full effect. "Yes, Kevvie?" Brittany Taylor cooed back, her bubblepop voice turned just a couple of notches down from its usual squeak. "I totally got something, like, extra special for this field trip." Brittany's heart skipped a beat as visions of jewelry and other delights began to dance in her head. "Oh?" she said nonchalantly. "And what would that be, sweetie-Kevs?" "Well, I'll show you," he said seductively, then reached up to grab his duffel bag from the overhead rack. He pulled the zipper across with a flourish, then slowly put his hand inside and pulled out a wrapped package to hand to his excited girlfriend. "Oh, Kevvie!" Brittany squealed as she tore open the wrapper. "It's... it's... it's a paintball mask?!"
- Stolen, by Malakite (Part 1): She had been in science class, twirling a finger through her blonde hair as she listened with half an ear to those two little trolls give an offensive but technically correct account of the shuttle disaster. Then the little pyros had set off a firecracker... and then... and then... she decided to look around. At first she didn't see anything. She came to believe it was because there was nothing to see, then at last she realized with a sense of somewhat dull shock that she had no eyes to see with.
- Unnamed story (Scenes That Should Be: Breakfast of Zombie Champions), by LSauchelli (teaser): Daria touched the wall where the vortex was supposed to be. She couldn't find any way to activate it, she guessed there was some sort of password that opened the portal. Not that she wanted to have anything to do with it just yet. "You're still hurt from your encounter with the Joker. I will be up all night, so I want someone to watch over my sister." "But—" "I pay you to do what I say, not what you find convenient," she said and sighed. "Go, sleep now, help Quinn later."
Do you recall any other stories about Helen and Jake's commitment ceremony-slash-wedding? Note them here if so!
Children "as an organic expression of our physical love"?
I'm gonna throw up..
Grosses me out, too.
Isn't the physical love part organic enough of an expression for them?
Dude, my brother is getting married tomorrow. XD
Everything has to be "organic" these days. Manure is organic, so why don't they include it with my salad?
CE Forman had the "commitment ceremony" in Fireworks.
- Kara
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