Also today we celebrate famed singer Bif Naked's birthday, and we express our gratitude to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Naked, for having such a wonderful kid, especially since, as we all know, Bif Naked was the voice actress for Alison in Is It Fall Yet? She is really and truly the Superbeautifulmonster.
Later on I hope to have the new fanfics listed. Sorry for the wait.
[LATER] Okay, let's try it now. But first, the knewz.
- Popular topic on PPMB: Influences. What Daria authors and stories have been major influences on your body of Daria fic? Self analysis of how they've influenced your work isn't required but will ultimately be helpful, links are also not required but again will be helpful.
- LadieT has created a new Iron Chef Challenge, called What Happened Last Night.
- All Purpose Cultural Catgirl Quinn, by Wraith (Part 1): Marianne managed to shove Daria in to the cockpit of the helicopter, and climbed in after her before she could get back up. "You'll need more than an assault helicopter to get me in a tutu!" Daria shouted, repeatedly hitting Marianne on the helmet as the helicopter took off. (Daria/All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku)
- Anti-Trope, by Minx (Part 3): Helen turned to her son and shot him a confused look. “What was that?” Dean shook his head, “That new academic record Li personally faxed over isn’t mine. Those impressive grades were bumped up because I won the football game for the school yesterday.” “Dean, now is not the time to make ludicrous claims like that. There is no way Ms. Li would have the authority to inflate your grades.”
- Bathing with Archimedes, by RLobinske (Part 2): "Eh, you get used to weird stuff in this town." "How weird?" "Women showing up after the funeral of her clone." "Okay, that's weird. I bet people were talking about that for years." "It was last week."
- Daria/Dorian, by LadieT (Part 3): Jane arrived home to see her answering machine beeping. Two were from Tom wondering if she was okay. The third was Dorian telling Trent that Jane had fallen asleep watching movies. She listened to his low monotone voice and sighed. She thought about the conversation she had with Quinn. Was she falling for Dorian? Did that mean she might have had those feelings for Daria? She shook her head.
- The Dream of the White Darkness, by jtranser (continued): High over the small town of Pritchett, Colorado, Daria watched for the landing marker next to a dilapidated barn, then bailed out and pulled the cord of her chute. While not a textbook landing, she managed to contact the ground without any bone breakages or major bruises. She walked over to the car, a blue and white 1956 Buick Roadmaster, unlocked the trunk, and pulled out a suitcase. She went into the empty barn, threw in the chute, changed her clothes, then went back to the car and drove off toward Kansas. As she crossed the state line, she pondered the collapse of human relationships, the alienating effects of contemporary life and the erosion of social values—and it was only 10:30 in the morning.
- Finn Morgendorffer 49: Blessed Be This Meal, by HolyGrail2007 (COMPLETE!): Finn called his ex early on the holiday morning, reasoning that she probably had to wake up early to go with that friend of hers to where he was going. “Happy Thanksgiving, Jane.” “You are way too damn cheerful in the morning. What did you do, not sleep?”
- For Life, by LSauchelli (continued): Jane picked up her food tray and frowned. "Ugh! I hate it when the trays are wet." "That which does not kill us makes us stronger," Said Daria while taking another tray for herself. "What does that have anything to do with the tray being wet?" "Nothing, but you should probably keep that stuff to yourself. Food trays being wet are the least of your troubles." "Such as...? I'm already in a maximum security prison, how could it get any worse?"
- Operation: Desperate, by Charles RB (Part 1): In the 1980s, the political climate in the United States saw UNIT fall out of favour. However, the US couldn't simply drop out, that would look bad. Instead, it just de-emphasized UNIT-USA in favour of domestic groups. The move of HQ to Lawndale was completed in 1989. Brigadier Angela Li was installed in 1997, June 1st, 1500 hours. The huge wave of cuts came in 1501 hours, starting with the toilet paper budget. The Great Dropout began on June 2nd. UNIT had to find new recruits who could meet up to the standards of those who'd left. Private Kevin Thompson was brought in June 3rd. (Daria/Doctor Who) (FF.net)
- Raft College: The First Year, by rglovejoy (Part 7): "Sorry I woke you up, Jane." "S'ok. I gotta be at work at one. What's happening?" "Well, uh, I wanted to get your opinion on something..." "Yes, yes. Spill, Morgendorffer." "Uh, I'm meeting someone later today. He's this guy from one of my classes, and—" "Daria!" Jane squealed with delight. "You've got a date, don't you? I knew you'd get over Tom."
- Something Unexpected, by Lord Akiyama (COMPLETE!): It was three in the afternoon when Trent Lane finally awoke from his slumber. Thirsty, he shuffled downstairs and made his way to the kitchen. He had just grabbed a cup from the sink when he looked up and noticed something in the backyard. He stood still, staring at the object for what seemed like days. It was actually ten minutes, but he clearly had not understanding of how time would just seem to flow when one's attention was absorbed upon something. That just gave him an idea for a song. He then noticed his sister walking into the kitchen. "Hey Janey..." "Yeah?" "Since when did the circus come to town?" "This morning while you were still asleep." "Ah..."
- Tales of the Ringbearers—Bad Apple: The Second Raid, by Doggieboy (Part 3): Before any of the police officers at the house could move, Robert Nelson rushed up to the man with sergeant’s stripes on his helmet and grabbed his neck with his left hand. As he lifted the man with his TK powers, he pulled back his now-flaming right fist and said, “My wife and kids... where are they?” Three officers, one woman and two men, rushed Robert and tackled him as the others who had been moving furniture ran up to the other four Ringbearers.
- Unnamed ficlet, by Chris Tucker (COMPLETE!): After Stacy was expelled from the Fashion Club... [Story comes with picture]
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef Challenge: What Happened Last Night), by Greystar (COMPLETE!): "Hello?" "Helen, it's Eric. Can you do me a favor?" "It's 10 at night. What do you need?" "I need you to go pick me up a shovel, two pairs of knee pads and the biggest tarp they have." Eric said, sounding out of breath. "Bring it all over to the my house. I'll meet you in the backyard when you get back."
- The Weed of Crime Bears Glitter Fruit, by Kristen Bealer (COMPLETE!): "You'd better tell us where the base is. Quickly!" "But if KAOS finds out I betrayed them—" Agent 99 snatched a handful of trail mix out of a bin and put it in the chipmunk's mouth. Pressing the button on the nose, she waited until the eyes glowed red and held it over the bins. "I've activated the robot. Talk fast, or we'll start with the pistachios!" (Daria/Get Smart) (FF.net)
Got my Ben Franklin date wrong, just corrected it. Damn Wikipedia!
Bif Naked, born Beth Torbert. She looks exactly like Alison in her Wikipedia article picture, right down to the hair and the black tank top.
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