Wednesday, August 18, 2010

"Roses are red / Tom Sloane is poo..."

"Jane's Addition" turns eleven today. The final episode of Daria's third season on MTV, "Jane's Addition" introduced us to Tom Sloane, our favorite well-beaten dead horse, and it marked the end of the Daria/Trent thing, which saved Trent from incarceration.

Today is also National Bad Poetry Day in the USA, and if there's one thing we know, it's how to write bad poetry. In honor of this day, and in honor of "Jane's Addition," you are urged to write a Really Bad Poem about Tom Sloane. When I say bad, I mean it has to suck the reader right out of the chair and into the monitor. Put your contribution in the Comments section for everyone to read and enjoy (or not).


Anonymous said...

tom, oh tom.
i rub you.
with my body.
i mean it.
your hair, like a breathing pony,
your smile, like that one of a murderer,and...........yeah.

ticknart said...

He stands before us:
brown hair,
neatly mussed;
pants and shirt,
casually rumpled;
sparkling, pale pools.
As it should be,
he is for her.
But I know that
one day soon
enough he'll be

ticknart said...

I am a fire
blazing, heating
the area
around me. I
bring peace
and contentment
to the people near
enough to feel my
warmth. Occasionally
I pop and spark and
the one hit by
red hot ash and
she's drawn me
better than I

InvisibleDan said...

There once was a boy named Tom
Whose face made me want to vom
He cheated on Jane
And I'm part to blame
Then I dropped his ass like a bomb.

-Daria Morgendorffer

The Angst Guy said...

I am Tom,
Tom am I,
I kissed Daria
in "Dye! Dye!"
but I got dumped
in IICY?

Anonymous said...

I'll stand by you
I'll stand by you
Won't let nobody hurt you
I'll stand by you